Replication code for "Perfect Competition in Markets with Adverse Selection" by Eduardo Azevedo and Daniel Gottlieb.
Replicates the figures and tables in the paper. The most important methods are implemented as general MATLAB classes. These can be adapted to other models of firm competition with adverse selection. Developed by Eduardo Azevedo and Rafael Mourao. Link to repository: and fork at
The scripts are in five folders:
Contains classes with the most important functions.
: abstract class that defines all properties and methods that should be implemented by a model of perfect competition with adverse selection.healthcaralognormalmodel.m
: subclass for the health insurance model in the paper with linear contracts and normally distributed losses.healthcaralognormalmodel_nl
: subclass for the health insurance model in the paper with nonlinear contracts and lognormally distributed losses.
: A population object describes the preferences of a finite number of consumers. This class has methods for finding competitive equilibria and optima.
Generates figures and tables for the linear contracts health insurance model in the paper.
: bash script used to run the whole folder.calculations_parallel.m
: creates the populations and runs the main calculations in parallelwelfare_table.m
: prints the.tex
tables used in the paperplot_figures.m
: plots the figures. UsesplotFunctions/plotEquilibriumAndOptimum.m
as an auxiliary function for some figures.
Generates figures and tables for the nonlinear contracts health insurance model in the paper.
: bash script used to run the whole folder.create_population_lognormal.m
: creates the populations in parallel. Do not forget to set the desired number of workers, this program is very CPU intensive and may take a few days if running with few cores.calculate_equilibrium_parallel.m
: runs the main calculations.prepare_figures.m
: saves the data used for the plots.plot_figures.m
: plots the figures.print*
- print tex tables and values, and some.txt
tables with additional information.
Test scripts and a folder containing exploratory analyses.
Auxiliary functions for plotting:
: Downloaded from MATLAB central and slightly modified function for formatting numbers../export_fig
Eduardo Azevedo and Rafael Mourão
Tested in a linux server, MATLAB 2014b with a parallel cluster set up. Some of the code uses KNITRO 9.1.0. If KNITRO is not installed it will probably run correctly using MATLAB's optimization functions.
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