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New Tab

Alternative new tab page for your browser


To do

  • ability to change shortcuts
  • ability to change title text
  • ability to change the search provider
  • ability to change background image


Assuming you have Node.js installed, and you installed project dependencies with npm install, run the following command to start the dev server:

npm run dev


To create a production version of your app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.


You can build it as a browser extension by running the following command:

npm run webext build

The resulting build artifact will be in a web-ext-artifacts directory.

How to install it in Firefox
  1. Click the hamburger menu and select "Add-ons and themes"
  1. Click the settings icon and select "Debug Add-ons"
  1. Click "Load Temporary Add-on..." and select the build artifact

The extension will be installed until you restart Firefox


YouTube, GitHub, MDN and Downdetector are trademarks of the appropriate companies.

The search icon is made by Microsoft as part of the Fluent System Icons collection and is licensed under the MIT License.