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PomoTimer 🍅

Project Status: ⏳ In progress

Preview: PomoTimer 🍅

Project description 📝

PomoTimer is the application of the Pomodoro technique, which consists of dividing our workflow into blocks of intense concentration, in this way we can improve the agility of the brain and stimulate our focus. For this we define for example a timer of 25 minutes, where we focus uninterruptedly on some task. After the end of the first time, we take 5 minutes of pause, thus ending a cycle.

Technologies 👨‍💻

Vue.js HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Bootstrap

Functionalities 🔧

✔️ Focus and pause time control.

✔️ Alarm warning of the end of the timer.

✔️ Possibility to pause and resume the timer.

✔️ Definition of the desired number of cycles.

Observations 👀

This project is not yet in its final version.

Future enhancements 🚀

✔️ Long break.

✔️ General statistics.

✔️ Option for auto start cycles.

✔️ Color themes.

✔️ Alarm sound selector.

✔️ Notification when the timer ends.

License 🔑

The Apache License 2.0

Copyright ©️ 2022 - Rafael Camargo