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[WIP] Use DataAPI.metadata instead of redefining it #613

[WIP] Use DataAPI.metadata instead of redefining it

[WIP] Use DataAPI.metadata instead of redefining it #613

Triggered via pull request April 30, 2024 20:57
Status Success
Total duration 13m 10s


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10 warnings
build: ../../../.julia/packages/DocumenterVitepress/AH5XK/src/writer.jl#L659
DocumenterVitepress: un-expanded `@doctest` block encountered on page src/api/ The first few lines of code in this node are: ``` julia> using DimensionalData, Random; Random.seed!(123) julia> rand(Bool, X(2), Y(4)) ╭──────────────────────╮ │ 2×4 DimArray{Bool,2} │ ├──────────────── dims ┤ ↓ X, → Y ```
build: ../../../.julia/packages/DocumenterVitepress/AH5XK/src/writer.jl#L659
DocumenterVitepress: un-expanded `@doctest` block encountered on page src/api/ The first few lines of code in this node are: ``` julia> using DimensionalData julia> zeros(Bool, X(2), Y(4)) ╭──────────────────────╮ │ 2×4 DimArray{Bool,2} │ ├──────────────── dims ┤ ↓ X, → Y ```
build: ../../../.julia/packages/DocumenterVitepress/AH5XK/src/writer.jl#L659
DocumenterVitepress: un-expanded `@doctest` block encountered on page src/api/ The first few lines of code in this node are: ``` julia> using DimensionalData julia> ones(Bool, X(2), Y(4)) ╭──────────────────────╮ │ 2×4 DimArray{Bool,2} │ ├──────────────── dims ┤ ↓ X, → Y ```
build: ../../../.julia/packages/Documenter/pA5Sa/src/deploydocs.jl#L533
removing `stable` and linking `stable` to `v0.27.2`.
build: ../../../.julia/packages/Documenter/pA5Sa/src/deploydocs.jl#L533
removing `v0.27` and linking `v0.27` to `v0.27.2`.
build: ../../../.julia/packages/Documenter/pA5Sa/src/deploydocs.jl#L533
removing `v0.26` and linking `v0.26` to `v0.26.8`.
build: ../../../.julia/packages/Documenter/pA5Sa/src/deploydocs.jl#L533
removing `v0.25` and linking `v0.25` to `v0.25.8`.
build: ../../../.julia/packages/Documenter/pA5Sa/src/deploydocs.jl#L533
removing `v0.24` and linking `v0.24` to `v0.24.14`.
build: ../../../.julia/packages/Documenter/pA5Sa/src/deploydocs.jl#L533
removing `v0.23` and linking `v0.23` to `v0.23.2`.
build: ../../../.julia/packages/Documenter/pA5Sa/src/deploydocs.jl#L533
removing `v0.22` and linking `v0.22` to `v0.22.2`.