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Deep Learning for NLP Summer Semester 2020 - Image Caption Generator with Neural Network

This is an implementation of a Neural Image Captioning (NIC) model, based on the methodology described by Vinyal et al.

Repository Structure

├── data                                    # data used for training, development and testing
│   ├── annotations                         # contains preprocessed COCO annotations (2017) for all data splits
|   ├── train2017                           # contains the COCO images for the training and the testing dataset
|   ├── val2017                             # contains the COCO images for the validation dataset
├── img                                     # only contains some generated graphs for the report  
├── model_storage                           # directory where trained models, the bleu scores and training Loss statistics and prediction are stored  
├── notebooks                               # contains a Jupyter notebook where validation, testing results and some inferences are displayed   
├── src                                     # project source code  
│   ├──                             # contains the relevant code for the BLEU evaluation  
│   ├──                             # main script training / loading model and evaluating on testing and validation sets
│   ├──                            # contains our NIC model implementation
│   ├──                    # contains code used to preprocess the annotations and the images
│   ├──                             # contains many utility function such as embedding creation, dataloading or filename creation
│   ├──                            # contains code necessary to vectorize the image captions
├── hparams.json                            # configuration file allowing to easily change all model characteristics
├── requirements.txt                        # modules necessary to run scripts (Unix installation)
└── requirements_win.txt                    # modules necessary to run scripts (Windows installation)


  • Install python libraries with: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    Requirements have been automatically generated using pigar. This tool does not always detect all dependencies correctly and you might need to install some packages manually (for example, packages like cython which is not used in the project but is used to correctly install some dependencies). If you run into an error check the warnings and install the missing packages accordingly.

    Please note that you will need to install the pytorch framework that matches your Nvidia GPU Drivers manually. Please consult to get pip instructions for your driver's version. For our project, we installed pytorch and torchvision with:

pip install torch==1.5.1+cu101 torchvision==0.6.1+cu101 -f
  • Download the COCO dataset images from 2017 and GloVe Embedding Vectors and place them into the data directory. The needed annotations are already included in this repository and were already processed. Please note that the described command will not only download the dataset but will also start the model training and evaluation.
python3 src/ --download
  • The faster (recommanded) alternative to download the needed data is to use wget available on Unix systems.
wget -O data/
unzip data/ -d data

wget -O data/
unzip data/ -d data

wget -O data/
unzip data/ -d data

wget -O data/
unzip data/ -d data
  • If you decided to download the data with wget, please note that you need to run this script before starting the training and evaluation (it will convert the GLOVE embeddings into Word2Vec file format):
python3 utils/

Optional: Custom installation

If the dataset is locally available, you can create a copy of the hyperparameters file and change the value of root to the desired path of the dataset. This will allow the program to search in the specified root folder for the train set, validation set and test set. Annotations should be provided in /{path to root}/annotations

"root": "/media/user/mscoco",

However, this requires the dataset to be pre-processed first via

python3 --prep

If a different version of the dataset is supposed to be used, adjust train, val and test to the correct version.

"train": "train2017",
"val": "val2017",
"test": "test2017",

Be careful though as older version of the dataset might have missing pictures, which were removed later but without a proper update of the corresponding annotation files.

Training and testing

If the dataset is downloaded and the glove vectors have been converted, then the training can be started via

python3 src/

Model checkpoints will be saved in the /model_storage directory, which will be created if non-existent.

If no command-line parameter is specified and a trained model matching the configuration in the hparams.json file is available, the program will perform the model evaluation on training and validation set only. (To evaluate on the testing set, use the Jupyter notebook)

To force a re-training, use:

python3 src/ --train

Optional: Use the trained model in the Jupyter Notebook under notebooks/run_model_evaluation.ipynb

Please download the saved model from google drive

And unzip it under: /model_storage/

Please do not change the name of the model!

The Jupyter notebook is preconfigured to run the model to download. The results of the model evaluation and some predictions have been processed and saved in order to quickly get an impression of the trained model.

Our model results

We were able to train a model which performed better than the human average on the test set, even though we use a narrower beam width than Vinyal et al.

The detailed results and the predictions for all dataset splits are stored under /model_storage

Files named as [timestamp][dataset split]_bleu_prediction_orig.json contains a listing of all prediction and original captions for the corresponding dataset.

Files named as [timestamp][dataset split]_bleu_prediction_orig.json contains a listing of all prediction and original captions for the corresponding dataset.

Files named as [timestamp][dataset split]_bleu_prediction_scores_orig.json contains the BLEU scores for greedy caption generation.

Files named as [timestamp][dataset split]_bleu_prediction_scores_bse_bw[actual beam width]_orig.json contains the BLEU scores for beam search with early stop.

Files named as [timestamp][dataset split]_bleu_gold_orig.json contains the human average BLEU scores.

BLEU-4 Scores
Training Validation Test
Human Average - Original Paper Not communicated 21.7 Not communicated
NIC - Original Paper Not Communicated 27.7 27.2
Human Average - Current Experiment 19.4 18.8 19.1
NIC - Current Experiment - Greedy Search 25.0 19.5 18.7
NIC - Current Experiment - Beam Search with n= 3, early stop 29.9 22.6 22.1
NIC - Current Experiment - Beam Search with n= 4, early stop 30.1 23.7 22.2

Some parameters in hparams.json explained

  • rnn_layers : Enables the number of layers to be stacked on the RNN
  • drop_out_prob: only available when stacking RNN layers, ignore some hidden neurons with the given probabiliy. Set 0 to not use it.
  • rnn_model : "gru" or "lstm" are the possible values
  • hidden_dim : control the dimension of the RNN hidden state. Set to 512 as in the original paper
  • cnn_model : controls which pre-trained model will be used to process the images. Options are "vgg16", "mobilenet" and "resnet50"
  • shuffle: true or false, shuffle batches between epochs during training
  • embedding_dim: the size of the word embedding to be used
  • improve_embedding: if set to true, the model will try to improve the embeddings during training
  • improve_cnn: if set to true, the model will try to improve the pre-trained CNN during training
  • num_epochs: The number epochs used during training
  • lr: learning rate. Applicable for both Adam and SGD with Nesterov Optimizer
  • sgd_momentum: if set to null, the model will train using Adam. If there is a numeric value (between 0 and 1), SGD with Nesterov will be used
  • break_training_loop_percentage: If set to 100, it will train and evaluate using the files using cleaned_captions as a prefix. If set to a value between 1 and 99, it will try to use a file with a prefix {percentage}_cleaned_captions to train / evaluate. These files contain the prefixed percentage of the original annotation files.
  • annotation_without_punctuation: True or false, allows to switch with annotation files containing punctuation or not (all words are lower case anyway)
  • sampling_method: Enter to generate "beam_search_early_stop" to generate a caption with beam search stopping at the first complete sentence, "" to take the word with highest probability at each step (greedy algorithm)
  • beam_width: size of the beam search
  • training_report_frequency: prints the total loss during training every X epochs.
  • save_pending_model: used with training_report_frequency, allow to save the corresponding model, prefixed with epoch number
  • last_saved_model: enter the file to load a previous model. It might be useful to continue a training which stopped too early. However, the size of the model being loaded has to match the size of implied by the configuration. For example, it will not be able to load a model using embedding of size 200 before starting a training with a model using larger or smaller embedding dimensions.
  • use_pixel_normalization: if set to true, use the values recommended in the pytorch documentation for pretrained model.
  • image_size: value between 256 and 640. This is the size of the image being used. Regardless of the defined size, a random center crop of size 224 by 224 is done during training (and a regular center crop for evaluation and test)
  • crop_size: used for randomly cropping the image by size crop_size*crop_size. Minimum value is 224.
  • caption_number; the number of captions to be used by the model. Values between 1 and 5.
  • cutoff: Indicates the minimum number of occurrences for a caption word to avoid being flagged as unknown.
  • clip_grad: Allows to clip the gradient, if the total loss (or rather the calculated model weights) becomes an invalid number. Recommended value is 1.0. To skip its use, set the parameter to null
  • weight_decay: used for both optimizer, allows to use regularization. Set it to 0 to disable it.
  • compute_val_loss: parameter dependent of training_report_frequency. It will monitor the total loss on the validation set at the frequency defined in training_report_frequency.
  • gold_eval_with_original: If set to true, the original reference labels, which does not contain any token to flag unknown words will be used to calculate the Bleu Score.
  • save_eval_results: If set to true, it will allow to store evaluation results under model storage
  • keep_best_val_loss: Used with "compute_val_loss". If the total validation loss starts to grow bigger, the training will stop and the last model before this loss increase will be saved. All these parameters will influence the name of the saved model.
  • keep_best_total_loss: dependent on training_report_frequency. If set to true, training loop will be stopped early to reload the previous model, if the total loss stops decreasing
  • teacher_forcing: enables teacher forcing. Do not set to false as the training without teacher forcing suffers from memory issues.

For example, based on the training configuration, a valid model name could be:


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