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Releases: raghav-chandra/MBQ

MBQ parallel-sequential

11 Feb 07:48
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Queue is Capable of providing messages in sequence and in parallel based on the sequence key you provided while publishing the message.
Its backed up by data store which is again configurable, it can be Heap/DB for now. Further dev will be done in Hazelcast, Mongo as well.
You can schedule your messages through Queue as well.

MBQ process messages parallel or sequential

05 Feb 08:19
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An intelligent queue to provide messages based on how you want it and configured your push, Parallel or Sequential.

Sequential Processing : Provide SequenceKey and all the messages that has same SequenceKey will be processed in sequantial manner based on FIFO order.
Parallel Processing : Don'n provide sequenceKey and you are good to consume all messages in parallel based on the FIFO order.
Queue can be configured to run in a Single JVM with Producer Consumer running as multiple Threads or as a Centralized Service where multiple JVM can connect to the Queue and Consume/Publish messages. Centralized queue is a language independent Queue, Just needs a client to connect to the Queue Server.

MBQ parallel-sequential

31 Jan 04:27
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An intelligent queue to provide messages based on how you want it and configured your push, Parallel or Sequential.

Sequential Processing : Provide SequenceKey and all the messages that has same SequenceKey will be processed in sequantial manner based on FIFO order.
Parallel Processing : Don'n provide sequenceKey and you are good to consume all messages in parallel based on the FIFO order.
Queue can be configured to run in a Single JVM with Producer Consumer running as multiple Threads or as a Centralized Service where multiple JVM can connect to the Queue and Consume/Publish messages. Centralized queue is a language independent Queue, Just needs a client to connect to the Queue Server.