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Micro front-end application

This is a sample micro front-end application generated through the create-mfa-app Command Line Interface (CLI). This app provides a reference implementation for consuming and adding various exposed components. It also gives an example of data sharing between different micro front-ends.

Adding a new route to the application


Add a new application route to the defaultRoutes array, referring the element to the respective page component.

Example of defaultRoutes array:

  const defaultRoutes = [
    { path: "payments", element: <Home /> },
    { path: "payments/about", element: <About /> },

Exposing widgets components

Sometimes, instead of exposing the whole app as a micro front-end, you also want to expose a particular widget/component that can be built and exposed by one micro front-end app and re-used by other micro front-ends easily.

Exposing a widget as a module federated component

Create your component as a React component. To expose this component, we just need to add this component information in two files on the respective micro front-end application.

  1. {micro front-end app}/src/manifest.js

    Add an entry just like "./header": "./src/components/Header", component to exposedComponents object is added on the line no. 4

Consuming the component

Now that we have exposed a component from our micro front-end app, we want to consume the same in other micro front-end apps.

To consume a module federated widget, we have created a special component MFAComponentLoader that you can export from the shared component micro front-end like below.

import { MFAComponentLoader } from "shared/Components";

and consume the exposed component anywhere in your application by calling the component below

 <MFAComponentLoader componentName="./header" />

There is an optional moduleName props you can pass, if you don't want dynamic discovery of the micro front-end that is exposing the target component. Module name is the remote name of the micro front-app that is exposing the component.

 <MFAComponentLoader componentName="./header" moduleName="micro_frontend_app" />

Configuring shared-components micro front-end URL

The shared-components end point can be set in /src/index.js file.

  window.sharedComponent = "http://localhost:6002";

You can update the endpoint to make it environment-specific by reading it through and exposing API, or by creating a .env file.

Share data between micro front-ends

A global react context is exposed from shared components that are being served as the parent component of the application. The context allows, to publish/consume data between different MFEs.

An example can be found on the line no. 6 of /src/pages/home/index.jsx

  const { user, setUser } = useContext(GlobalContext);

Available run scripts


To run the app on the given port.


To create optimized assets for production servers.


To run the test cases.

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