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AnnotationMvp provides you a way to create MVP architecture for your application.In this application there is no need to create multiple interface for your Model, View & Presenter. AnnotationMvp will automatically create all those interfaces for you.

How to use AnnotationMvp

AnnotationMvp is an annotation based library.To use this library you need to know about @Model ,@Presenter and @View.

Add the annotationMVP module in your gradle folder or include the following code to build.gradle file:

android {

defaultConfig {    
minSdkVersion 15
    targetSdkVersion 26
     javaCompileOptions {
        annotationProcessorOptions {
            className 'com.annotation.mvp.annotationmvp.process.MyProcessor'

} dependencies { annotationProcessor project(':annotationMVP') provided project(':annotationMVP') }


In-order to segregate your code MVP ask you to create different modules for everything.


Model is where you keep all your business logic's, whether it's WebService consumption, Database queries or any calculation suitable for your application.


View is what your user will see and interact with.


Presenter will be the intermediater that will communicate with Model to get the work done and updates the View accordingly.

Let us take an example where a developer is having a class LoginActivity and want to create all the above using AnnotationMvp, so just follow these steps:

  • Create an interface and name it Login and annotate it with @MVP.

  • Add all the methods that corresponds to your business logic like: public void login(String email, String password); and annotate it with @Presenter

  • Add all the methods that corresponds to your view's like: public void onUserLogin(); and annotate it with @View.

Here @MVP will create an interface

  • LoginModel with the method public void login(String email, String password);

  • LoginView with the method public void onUserLogin();

  • LoginInteractor with the method public void login(String email, String password, OnLoginInteractedListener listener);

  • OnLoginInteractedListener with the method public void onUserLogin();

The only thing that developer need to do is to manage the mapping of the above created interface:

  • Create a class with name LoginPresenterImp and implement it with LoginPresenter and implement the unimplemented methods in it.

  • Create a class with name LoginInteractorImp and implement it with LoginInteractor and implement the unimplemented methods in it.

Example Code

public interface Login {    
    void login(String email, String password);
    void onUserLogin();
public class LoginPresenterImpl implements LoginPresenter, OnLoginInteractedListener {
    private LoginView view;
    private LoginInteractor interactor;

    public LoginPresenterImpl(LoginView view) {
        this.view = view;
        interactor = new LoginInteractorImpl();

    public void login(String email, String password) {
        interactor.login(email, password, this);

    public void onUserLogin() {
public class LoginInteractorImpl implements LoginInteractor {

    public void login(String email, String password, final OnLoginInteractedListener listener) {
        // TODO login process
        // TODO after login process
LoginPresenter presenter = new LoginPresenterImp(this);
presenter.login("", "123456");


AnnotationMvp is an annotation based library






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