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The @forcetrails/sobject-types Tool is a command-line utility built to automate the generation of TypeScript definition files (.ts) for Salesforce objects. These definition files are crucial for projects containing TypeScript LWC components or LWC components with JSDocs, providing type safety and autocompletion support.

The tool fetches metadata for specified Salesforce objects, extracts fields and their corresponding data types, and generates TypeScript interfaces that mirror the structure of these Salesforce objects.


Before installing and using the tool, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Node.js (version >= 12.0.0)
  • npm (Node Package Manager)
  • Salesforce CLI installed and authenticated with at least one Salesforce organization. Install Salesforce CLI from here.


1. Install using npm

npm i @forcetrails/sobject-types

2. Configure Salesforce Connection:

Update the ./ftypes/ftypesc.json file with your Salesforce credentials and desired configuration (e.g., Salesforce objects to generate .ts files for, output directory).

3. Run the command

npx ftypes

4. Update TypeScript Config (Required if you are using TypeScript LWC Components)

  • Update the tsconfig.json to include the output folder i.e. ./ftypes by default to add paths for @sobject-types.
  "compilerOptions": {
    // ...
    "paths": {
      "@sobject-types/*": ["./.ftypes/typings/*"]
  // ... other config.

5. Start Using Types - TypeScript (Required if you are using TypeScript LWC Components)

// 1. -----> import type
import { Account } from '@sobject-types/Index';

import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';

export default class TodoItem extends LightningElement {
  // 2. -----> use type
  account: Account = {
    ChildAccounts: [],
    CleanStatus: 'NotFound',
    Type: 'Channel Partner / Reseller',
    Industry: '',
    Ownership: 'Other',
    Rating: 'Cold',

6. Start Using Types - JavaScript & JSDoc

// 1. -----> Import the type
 * @typedef {import('./.ftypes/typings/Index.ts').Account} Account
import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
export default class TodoItem extends LightningElement {
  // 2. -----> Use the Type
   * @type Account
  account = {
    ChildAccounts: [],
    CleanStatus: 'NotFound',
    Type: 'Channel Partner / Reseller',
    Industry: '',
    Ownership: 'Other',
    Rating: 'Cold',



  • ftypes init Initialize the ftypes configuration
  • ftypes list List all sObjects from config file
  • ftypes config Show config contents
  • ftypes set-target-org <orgname> Set the default Salesforce organization username in ./ftypes/ftypesc.json. **This is alias of already authenticated Salesforce org from sf auth
  • ftypes add <objname> Add type definitions for a specific object
  • ftypes refresh <objname...> Add type definitions for a specific object(s)
  • ftypes Generate Typings for all SObjects from config


1. Init ftypes project with default configuration:

ftypes init

This command creates .ftypes file in the current work directory and adds default configuration for types generation

2. Generate .ts file for all objects mentioned config:


3. Add Object a specific to configuration and generate types:

ftypes add Account

This command adds Account object to config list and generates Types for account object

4. Refresh typings of existing Object:

ftypes refresh Account

This command regenerates Account.ts in the specified output directory.

5. List all configured Salesforce objects:

ftypes list

Lists all Salesforce objects configured in config file(./ftypes/ftypesc.json).

6. Set default Salesforce organization username:

ftypes set-target-org my-sf-org

Sets defaultusername in ./ftypes/ftypesc.json to my-sf-org in your sfdx project.

7. Display contents of (./ftypes/ftypesc.json):

ftypes configs

Displays the contents of the configuration file (./ftypes/ftypesc.json).

More features coming soon...