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Setup servers with Ansible like OS Hardening and base packages installation

First we installed OS, then do OS hardening and package installation etc., this is tradition way of doing, now let's see how to do it by simplest way using Ansible.

##What is Ansible ?

Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications— automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems


We will install ansible on your local machine and setup following things in remote machine

    1. OS Hardening
    1. Install base packages

Install Ansible on local machine

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ansible

##Creating Playbook

We will create one common role, which will do following things

    1. os_hardening.yml : All things related to OS hardening
    1. base_package.yml : Install or compile required packages

Also there will be one single file to manage global variables, like in future if we need to change version of any application or links etc.

Now create one dir and cd into it then create yml files

mkdir deploy-nodes && cd deploy-nodes

##Create playbook structure

mkdir -p roles/common/tasks
touch site.yml
touch roles/common/tasks/main.yml
touch roles/common/tasks/os_hardening.yml
touch roles/common/tasks/base_packages.yml
touch group_vars/all

So our final structure as below :

|-- ansible_hosts
|-- group_vars
|  `-- all
|-- roles
| `-- common
|   `-- tasks
|    |-- base_packages.yml
|    |-- main.yml
|    `-- os_hardening.yml
`-- site.yml

Note: this is basic structure, if you want to see advance refer this best practices from ansible docs.

Now let's configure the os_hardening.yml

There are many things you can do to secure your OS but for learning ansible, we will do basic things, like disable root user in ssh and adding MaxAuthTries 3

Let's first defined ssh related variables in vars.yml file

Edit "group_vars/all" and configure as below :

sshd_config: '/etc/ssh/sshd_config'

Configure the "roles/common/tasks/os_hardening.yml"

  - name: SSHD# Disable Root login
        dest={{ sshd_config }}
        line='PermitRootLogin no'

  - name: SSHD# Updating MaxAuthTries to 3
        dest={{ sshd_config }}
        line='MaxAuthTries 3'

  - name: SSHD# Restarting ssh service

###Explanation :

    1. First it will take backup destination file then search line starting with "PermitRootLogin" and replace with "PermitRootLogin no"
    1. Again search and replace but if search not found then it will add "MaxAuthTries 3"
    1. Finally it will restart ssh to affect the changes.

Configure "roles/common/tasks/base_package.yml"

  - name: Install list of packages
    - unzip
    - build-essential
    - openssl
    sudo: true
       ansible_distribution == 'Debian' or
       ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'

##Explanation :

It will first do apt-get update if it is not run last 10 min ( cache_valid_time=600 ), then it will install mention packages.

Configure "roles/common/tasks/main.yml" file

 - include: os_hardening.yml
 - include: base_packages.yml

Configure "site.yml" file

  - hosts: all
    sudo: true
       - common

Add your hosts to ansible_hosts file

remote-ip-address ansible_ssh_user=remote-user ansible_sudo_pass=password ansible_ssh_pass=password

Note: if there is any special character in your password then you need to escape it Ex. if password is: p@ssw1rd then use: p@ssw1rd

Now let's run the ansible command to setup remote host

ansible-playbook -vvv -i ansible_hosts main.yml

If you face "ssh fingerprint" issue then do following thing and run above command again:

sudo sed -i.bkp 's/^#host_key_checking = False/host_key_checking = False/' /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg