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update ActiveModel::Observing documentation [ci skip]
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Francesco Rodriguez committed Jul 31, 2012
1 parent d67b289 commit cb15fe5
Showing 1 changed file with 125 additions and 25 deletions.
150 changes: 125 additions & 25 deletions activemodel/lib/active_model/observing.rb
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
require 'active_support/descendants_tracker'

module ActiveModel
# == Active Model Observers Activation
module Observing
extend ActiveSupport::Concern

Expand All @@ -17,9 +18,7 @@ module Observing

module ClassMethods
# == Active Model Observers Activation
# Activates the observers assigned. Examples:
# Activates the observers assigned.
# class ORM
# include ActiveModel::Observing
Expand All @@ -35,51 +34,143 @@ module ClassMethods
# ORM.observers = Cacher, GarbageCollector
# Note: Setting this does not instantiate the observers yet.
# +instantiate_observers+ is called during startup, and before
# <tt>instantiate_observers</tt> is called during startup, and before
# each development request.
def observers=(*values)

# Gets an array of observers observing this model.
# The array also provides +enable+ and +disable+ methods
# that allow you to selectively enable and disable observers.
# (see <tt>ActiveModel::ObserverArray.enable</tt> and
# <tt>ActiveModel::ObserverArray.disable</tt> for more on this)
# Gets an array of observers observing this model. The array also provides
# +enable+ and +disable+ methods that allow you to selectively enable and
# disable observers (see ActiveModel::ObserverArray.enable and
# ActiveModel::ObserverArray.disable for more on this).
# class ORM
# include ActiveModel::Observing
# end
# ORM.observers = :cacher, :garbage_collector
# ORM.observers # => [:cacher, :garbage_collector]
# ORM.observers.class # => ActiveModel::ObserverArray
def observers
@observers ||=

# Gets the current observer instances.
# Returns the current observer instances.
# class Foo
# include ActiveModel::Observing
# attr_accessor :status
# end
# class FooObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
# def on_spec(record, *args)
# record.status = true
# end
# end
# Foo.observers = FooObserver
# Foo.instantiate_observers
# Foo.observer_instances # => [#<FooObserver:0x007fc212c40820>]
def observer_instances
@observer_instances ||= []

# Instantiate the global observers.
# class Foo
# include ActiveModel::Observing
# attr_accessor :status
# end
# class FooObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
# def on_spec(record, *args)
# record.status = true
# end
# end
# Foo.observers = FooObserver
# foo =
# foo.status = false
# foo.notify_observers(:on_spec)
# foo.status # => false
# Foo.instantiate_observers # => [FooObserver]
# foo =
# foo.status = false
# foo.notify_observers(:on_spec)
# foo.status # => true
def instantiate_observers
observers.each { |o| instantiate_observer(o) }

# Add a new observer to the pool.
# The new observer needs to respond to 'update', otherwise it
# raises an +ArgumentError+ exception.
# Add a new observer to the pool. The new observer needs to respond to
# <tt>update</tt>, otherwise it raises an +ArgumentError+ exception.
# class Foo
# include ActiveModel::Observing
# end
# class FooObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
# end
# Foo.add_observer(FooObserver.instance)
# Foo.observers_instance
# # => [#<FooObserver:0x007fccf55d9390>]
def add_observer(observer)
unless observer.respond_to? :update
raise ArgumentError, "observer needs to respond to 'update'"
observer_instances << observer

# Notify list of observers of a change.
# Fires notifications to model's observers.
# def save
# notify_observers(:before_save)
# ...
# notify_observers(:after_save)
# end
# Custom notifications can be sent in a similar fashion:
# notify_observers(:custom_notification, :foo)
# This will call <tt>custom_notification</tt>, passing as arguments
# the current object and <tt>:foo</tt>.
def notify_observers(*args)
observer_instances.each { |observer| observer.update(*args) }

# Total number of observers.
# Returns the total number of instantiated observers.
# class Foo
# include ActiveModel::Observing
# attr_accessor :status
# end
# class FooObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
# def on_spec(record, *args)
# record.status = true
# end
# end
# Foo.observers = FooObserver
# Foo.observers_count # => 0
# Foo.instantiate_observers
# Foo.observers_count # => 1
def observers_count

# <tt>count_observers</tt> is deprecated. Use #observers_count.
def count_observers
msg = "count_observers is deprecated in favor of observers_count"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,21 +201,30 @@ def inherited(subclass)

# Fires notifications to model's observers
# Notify a change to the list of observers.
# class Foo
# include ActiveModel::Observing
# def save
# notify_observers(:before_save)
# ...
# notify_observers(:after_save)
# attr_accessor :status
# end
# Custom notifications can be sent in a similar fashion:
# class FooObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
# def on_spec(record, *args)
# record.status = true
# end
# end
# notify_observers(:custom_notification, :foo)
# Foo.observers = FooObserver
# Foo.instantiate_observers # => [FooObserver]
# This will call +custom_notification+, passing as arguments
# the current object and :foo.
# foo =
# foo.status = false
# foo.notify_observers(:on_spec)
# foo.status # => true
# See ActiveModel::Observing::ClassMethods.notify_observers for more
# information.
def notify_observers(method, *extra_args)
self.class.notify_observers(method, self, *extra_args)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,7 +338,7 @@ def observed_classes #:nodoc:
# Send observed_method(object) if the method exists and
# the observer is enabled for the given object's class.
def update(observed_method, object, *extra_args, &block) #:nodoc:
return if !respond_to?(observed_method) || disabled_for?(object)
return if !respond_to?(observed_method) || disabled_for?(object)
send(observed_method, object, *extra_args, &block)

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