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70% draft of searching docs
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also changed pointers in the scopes doc
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paulcc committed Apr 22, 2010
1 parent 5c0dd19 commit e01ec2e
Showing 1 changed file with 164 additions and 0 deletions.
164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions source/searching.textile
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
h2. Searching for products

This section explains Spree's support for product search and selection.
After reading it you should know:
* how the +Searcher+ API works
* how to install and configure a searcher instance

This guide is aimed at developers.


h3. Overview

Searching for products is a key operation for commerce sites, where we need both speed and flexibility.
Spree supports this by providing an API that allows plug-in and configuration of a variety of specialized,
high-performance search platforms. Furthermore, the core team maintains instances of this API for a few
of the current top platforms, such as "Solr": and

The primary use of these platforms in Spree is to provide flexible full-text searching of product
details. Spree submits a query and then paginates the result.

Depending on the exact platform in use, Spree may also advise on searches with alternative spellings,
or support refinement or drilling down in the search result via

h3. Searcher API

h4. Configuration

You can set the current search implementation by assigning a suitable object to
If it is not set, the searcher defaults to an instance of the base implementation.

h4. Integration with Spree

The primary modification is to override the named scope for general keyword lookup.
Thus +Product.keywords("foo")+ will use the configured search implementation, and return
a new scope which limits its result to products which match the query.

One standard use of the +keywords+ scope is to implement the default Spree search box.
The method +retrieve_products+ (now in +lib/spree/search.rb+) handles display of product
lists based on a mix of keywords, taxon selections, product group(s) and facets.
It uses the searcher API to set up searches, then the actual search occurs via (indirect)
calls to the +keywords+ scope, e.g. as a clause in a product group or in response to
presence of a keyword parameter in the query.
Note that +retrieve_products+ is used to generate listings in the +Product+ and +Taxon+
controllers: you'll probably need to use it if generating similar listings.

h4. Standard interface

See the existing search implementations for concrete examples, e.g.
the "base implementation": or

h5. +new+

The API is managed through a class, so if you are replacing the default instance, you need to create
a new instance of your search class.

h5. +get_products_conditions_for(query)+

This is the main call. Its purpose is to format the query appropriately and retrieve information from
the search platform, then return it in the form of a named scope.
Typically, you will retrieve a list of product ids +i1, i2, ...+
from the platform and produce the result +{:conditions => " IN (i1, i2, ...)"}+ (though
you are free to include other scope elements too).

The format of input +query+ is not fixed, though you should expect to be able to handle a string or
a list of strings.

h5. +prepare(params)+

This call is intended to set up the context for complex calls to the search platform, e.g. to allow
for pagination or faceting. It is normally called in +retrieve_products+, with (some of) the parameters
from a product display query.

IMPORTANT: it seems that +prepare()+ should act more like a wrapper around restricted calls, and clear the (modified) properties after the important call - else subsequent calls WILL be affected by old (or a previous request's) data.

h5. +manage_pagination+

This should return +true+ if the search platform can manage its own pagination of results.

h5. +method_missing+

The base implemementation defines this to provide easy access to the properties stored with +prepare+ or
added during +get_products_conditions_for+, such as the pagination flag above (which is nil/absent for the
base implementation).

h5. The base implementation

The most notable point is the implementation of +get_products_conditions_for+: it just uses a named
scope (+Product.name_or_description_like_any+) provided by SearchLogic, to search for a substring in
the name or description fields.

h4. The Solr instance

Roman Smirnov has produced an extension "spree-solr-search":

h5. Overview of Solr

"Solr": is an industrial-scale search platform.

h5. Installation

* get the extension, copy the config file
* grab jetty proj and run
* test in console

h5. How Solr is tied to Spree

The +acts_as_solr+ plugin is used to handle low-level communication.

The first step is to declare which 'attributes' of which models should be indexed, and of these, which
should be treated as facets. The attributes can be conventional model attributes, or the names
of methods which generate appropriate result strings. If non-string values are needed, then indicate
the type as done for +:price+.

Product.class_eval do
acts_as_solr :fields => [:name, :description, :is_active, {:price => :float},
:taxon_ids, :price_range, :taxon_names,
:brand_property, :color_option, :size_option],
:facets=>[:price_range, :taxon_names,
:brand_property, :color_option, :size_option]


The second step is to format the query in +get_product_conditions_for+.

NOTE. needs more detail, check prepare() ticket

h5. Indexing and reindexing

* rake tasks
* reindexing = an advantage of solr?

h5. Solr tuning and configuration

* the default options (spelling etc etc) - via the plugin? (YES)

h4. Facet support

NOTE. Document in detail since it's important/useful? NB seems to support multiples, so maybe just a style thing

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