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silviorelli edited this page Jan 11, 2012 · 24 revisions

Railsyard CMS Documentation


Theming and customization

The main idea behind Railsyard CMS is the ease of theming and customization.
A key component of Railsyard are Rails Cells, easily craftable components that we use as main "extensions" or widget for the views.
Developing those lightweight extensions for Railsyard is straightforwardly easy, no engine or migration needed.
Also themes are quite quick to develop, just define the areas of the layout where you need to drop the widgets and the job is done!
Obviously you can chose wich layout to use for each page.


Railsyard has been developed from the beginning to build multilanguage websites.
You can create a different pages tree for each language


Railsyard is built with Ruby on Rails 3 and we are keeping it updated to the last 3.0.x release. We have some compatibility issues with Rails 3.1.x but we plan to directly jump to the 3.2.x when most of the gems we are using will be updated.
Railsyard runs on Ruby 1.8.7, Ruby Enterprise Edition and Ruby 1.9.2, but we strongly suggest to use 1.9.2.
As databases we maintain support for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite, but we don't have real world productionusage of SQLite.