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📃 website_template_cv 📃

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

    • The CV - What are we building?
    • Format - What does a CV look like?
  2. Instructions

  3. Working with the Data

    • Data structure
    • Loading data from your existing CV (to do)
  4. Contributions

  5. Credits

  6. Author

1️⃣ Introduction

What does a CV look like?


What are we building?

Mobile View Desktop View
Image of site Image of site

2️⃣ Instructions

There options for you to generate your cv here..

Option 1 - Manually update your CV

Edit the index.html file

Option 2 - Generate the content with your CV

For a detailed explanation of the data structure, how to load the data from the file etc., pelase see the section Working with the Data.

In order to start making queries, you need a bit of preparation to get your local environment up and running.

💾 Preparing your local environment

  1. Clone the repository

    $ git clone
  2. Move into the website-template-cv directory: $ cd website-template-cv

  3. The file structure should look something like the diagram below.


    ❗IMPORTANT❗ The .env file is ignored in .gitignore file in the root of the project. This means that it will not get tracked by git, and hence will not be checked into your commits. This is important for security purposes, as you never want to expose your credentials to publically available spaces 🙅

  4. Now you're ready to make a customised template using website-template-cv 💥

In the next section I explain how to use it in detail.

🔧 Customising the page

3️⃣ Working with the Data

4️⃣ Contributions

Please feel free to raise issues or pull requests as you see room for improvement 🙏

5️⃣ Credits

W3 Schools was the source of the original templates.

6️⃣ Author

Rainey David

✨ Co-founder @ Women In Tech Dot Me

👏 Github | Twitter


Fully responsive cv powered with w3.css with no javascript







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