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Terrain Generator

Create your worlds seamlessly

Blazing fast configurable procedural terrain generation based on perlin noise algorithm.


npm i -S chunked-terrain-generator


import TerrainGenerator, { mapObjectToArray } from "chunked-terrain-generator";

// create terrain generator instance
const terrainGenerator = new TerrainGenerator({
  seed: Math.random(),
  detalization: 100,
  minHeight: 0,
  maxHeight: 256

// ...

// Update map on game tick.
// Generator extends world and deletes
// out-of-render-distance chunks automatically.

const { map, added, deleted } = terrainGenerator.updateMap({
  userPosition: [0, 0, 0], // x, y, z
  renderDistance: 1, // 1 chunks around user + chunk user is on (3x3)
  unrenderOffset: 1, // chunks after renderDistance + unrenderOffset will be removed

// typeof map === 'object';
// object keys represent chunk coordinates
// mapObject[0][0];
// deleted = 2d object of deleted coordinates
// added = 2d object of added coordinates

const mapArray = mapObjectToArray(map);

// typeof mapArray === 'array';
// array keys represent chunk coordinates
// mapArray[0][0];