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What's TwiMiku?

TwiMiku is a Twitter OAuth API to Basic Auth API adapter.
TwiMiku was written with Ruby and Sinatra, it can runs on any Rack application server and Google App Engine.


The GFW of China blocked direct access to, so we can't use OAuth API without a proxy or VPN.
This could be a serious problem when using mobile devices to access Twitter.


  1. OAuth with Twitter once by click the "Sign in with Twitter" button below.
  2. Set a separated password which will only be used with TwiMiku.
  3. Use the domain name of the server running TwiMiku as a Twitter API proxy for any Twitter clients which support Basic Auth API.

Be sure to use your Twitter user name and the separated password in your Twitter clients.

Try it!

You can try an instance of TwiMiku running on Google App Engine.

Deploy to Google App Engine

Use the pre-bundled zipball on Windows

  1. Install Sun Java 6, JRE should be enough.
  2. Download Google App Engine Java SDK, unzip to D:\appengine directory.
  3. Download, unzip to D:\twi-miku directory.
  4. Create an application with your Google App Engine account.
  5. Edit D:\twi-miku\WEB-INF\appengine-web.xml with any text editor, change the value in <application> tag to the application's id you've created.
  6. Create a Twitter OAuth application with your Twitter account.
  7. Rename D:\twi-miku\config.example.yml to D:\twi-miku\config.yml, edit it with any text editor, change YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY and YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET.
  8. Open a cmd window, execute the following commands, fill your Gmail address and password for Google App Engine authentication.

Note: You may need to wait for several minutes.

cd D:\appengine
bin\appcfg.cmd D:\twi-miku



TwiMiku is a Twitter OAuth API to Basic Auth API adapter.






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