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twitter-bot is a framework to get you started with implementing a twitter webhook based bot in a quick and easy way.

Apply for twitter developer account

- Navigate to, and ensure you are logged in.
- Once you are logged in, click on 'Apply' at the right-top corner of the screen

- Make sure you read and agree to conditions here: Restricted usecases
- Click on 'Apply for a developer acocunt'

- Select your use case. we will select bot

- Review and complete your details

Note that email-address and phone-number are mandatory for registring the developer account.

- Tell us about bot

- Review the information you provided

- review the agreement and click submit.

- If approved, you will get email for the same

create a new app

- Review terms and conditions

- Once created, navigate to Permissions tab and make sure you select the right permissions needed for your bot.

- Now navigate back to Keys/Tokens and create access token and access token secret. Save them in a safe place, we will need them again.

setup new environment

- Now we need to create environment. Navigate to

For the webhook bot, you should select 'Account Activity API/Sandbox'

- Now enter 'Dev environment label'. e.g. 'dev' or 'prod' and select the app we just created from the dropdown

- Click complete setup and you are all set to start writing code

OK, finally writing the code now

create new bot object

const (
	webhookHost     = "https://your-webhook-domain"
	webhookPath     = "/webhook/twitter"
	//has to be same as provided when getting tokens from twitter developers console
	environmentName = "prod" 

// use the tokens saved when following above steps
bot, err := twitter.NewBot(
			Tokens: twitter.Tokens{
				ConsumerKey:   "<consumer-key>",
				ConsumerToken: "<consumer-token>",
				Token:         "<token>",
				TokenSecret:   "<token-secret>",
			Environment:          environmentName,
			WebhookHost:          webhookHost,
			WebhookPath:          webhookPath,
			OverrideRegistration: true,
	if err != nil {

create a handler for the events you will receive from twitter

type webhookHandler struct{}

// This handler will handle the events from twitter. You can print it to console, forward it to yourself, 
// reply using twitter api. possibilities are endless.
func (wh webhookHandler) handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	webhookBody, _ := httputil.DumpRequest(r, true)

start a webserver to handle the webhook event from twitter.

notice that for GET method, you need to add bot.HandleCRCResponse as handler. This is required for webhook to remain active

	wh := webhookHandler{}
	http.HandleFunc(webhookPath, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		switch r.Method {
		case http.MethodGet:
			bot.HandleCRCResponse(w, r)
		case http.MethodPost:
			wh.handler(w, r)

	go func() {
		fmt.Println(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

finally trigger the registration and subscription of the webhook. Only after this is when you will start receiving actual webhook events

	// give time for http server to start and be ready
	// server needs to be up before we do registration and subscription
	// so that we can respond to CRC request

	err = bot.DoRegistrationAndSubscribeBusiness()
	if err != nil {

Look at main.go for complete example


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