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Python library to solve spin and fermionic Hamiltonians with DMRG (using ITensor) and ED


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This is a Python library to compute quasi-one-dimensional spin chains and fermionic systems using matrix product states with the matrix renormalization group as implemented in ITensor. Most of the computations can be performed both with DMRG and exact diagonalization for small systems, which allows to benchmark the results.

Several examples can be found in the examples folder.


This library is still under heavy development.

How to install

The script will compile both ITensor and a C++ program that uses it. Afterwards, it is only required to add to the .bashrc the following line


After this, you can write in your Python script

import os import sys sys.path.append(os.environ["DMRGROOT"])

And import the sublibrary that you want, for example

from dmrgpy import spinchain


  • Ground state energy
  • Excitation gap
  • Excited states
  • Static correlation functions
  • Time evolution and measurements
  • Dynamical correlation functions computed with the Kernel polynomial method
  • Dynamical correlation functions with time dependent DMRG


Ground state energy of an S=1/2 spin chain

from dmrgpy import spinchain
spins = [2 for i in range(30)] # 2*S+1=2 for S=1/2
sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins) # create spin chain object
print("Ground state energy",sc.gs_energy())

Static correlator of an S=1 spin chain

from dmrgpy import spinchain
spins = [3 for i in range(30)] # 2*S+1=3 for S=1
sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins) # create spin chain object
pairs = [(0,i) for i in range(30)] # between the edge and the rest
cs = sc.get_correlator(pairs)

Ground state energy of a bilinear-biquadratic Hamiltonian

from dmrgpy import spinchain
ns = 6 # number of sites in the spin chain
spins = [3 for i in range(ns)] # S=1 chain
sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins) # create spin chain object
h = 0 # initialize Hamiltonian
Si = [sc.Sx,sc.Sy,sc.Sz] # store the three components
for i in range(ns-1): # loop 
    for S in Si: h = h + S[i]*S[i+1]  # bilinear
    for S in Si: h = h + 1./3.*S[i]*S[i+1]*S[i]*S[i+1]  # biquadratic
sc.set_hamiltonian(h) # create the Hamiltonian
print("Energy with DMRG",sc.gs_energy(mode="DMRG"))
print("Energy with ED",sc.gs_energy(mode="ED"))

Magnetization an S=1 spin chain with an edge magnetic field

from dmrgpy import spinchain
spins = [3 for i in range(40)] # 2*S+1=3 for S=1
sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins) # create spin chain object
sc.set_exchange(lambda i,j: (abs(i-j)==1)*0.5) # first neighbors
sc.set_fields(lambda i: [0,0,(i==0)*0.01]) # only in the first site
mx,mx,mz = sc.get_magnetization()

Bond dimension energy convergence for an S=1/2 Heisenberg chain

from dmrgpy import spinchain
spins = [2 for i in range(30)] # 2*S+1=2 for S=1/2
for maxm in [1,2,5,10,20,30,40]: # loop over bond dimension
  sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins) # create spin chain object
  sc.set_exchange(lambda i,j: (abs(i-j)==1)*0.5) # first neighbors
  sc.maxm = maxm # set the bond dimension
  e = sc.gs_energy() # get the ground state energy
  print("Energy",e,"for bond dimension",maxm)

Excited states with DMRG and ED

from dmrgpy import spinchain
spins = [2 for i in range(12)] # 2*S+1=2 for S=1/2
sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins) # create spin chain object
es1 = sc.get_excited(n=6,mode="DMRG")
es2 = sc.get_excited(n=6,mode="ED")
print("Excited states with DMRG",es1)
print("Excited states with ED",es2)

Singlet-triplet gap of the Haldane Heisenberg S=1 spin chain

from dmrgpy import spinchain
# Haldane chain with S=1/2 on the edge to remove the topological modes
spins = [2]+[3 for i in range(40)]+[2]
sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins) # create spin chain object
es = sc.get_excited(n=2,mode="DMRG")
gap = es[1]-es[0] # compute gap
print("Gap of the Haldane chain",gap)

Edge dynamical correlator of a Haldane chain

from dmrgpy import spinchain
spins = [3 for i in range(40)] # 2*S+1=3 for S=1
sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins) # create spin chain object

Spin and charge correlator of the 1D Hubbard model

from dmrgpy import fermionchain
n = 20 # number of sites
fc = fermionchain.Spinful_Fermionic_Hamiltonian(n)
# first neighbor hopping
fc.set_hoppings_spinful(lambda i,j: (abs(i-j)==1)*1.0) 
# Hubbard term
fc.set_hubbard_spinful(lambda i,j: ((i-j)==0)*1.0) 
pairs = [(0,i) for i in range(n)]
# compute the two correlators
zz = fc.get_correlator(pairs=pairs,name="ZZ")
dd = fc.get_correlator(pairs=pairs,name="densitydensity")
print("Spin correlators",zz)
print("Density correlators",dd)

Generic interacting fermionic Hamiltonian

import numpy as np
from dmrgpy import fermionchain
n = 6 # number of different spinless fermionic orbitals
# fc is an object that contains the information of the many body system
fc = fermionchain.Fermionic_Hamiltonian(n) # create the object
# create a random Hermitian hopping matrix
m = np.matrix(np.random.random((n,n)) + 1j*np.random.random((n,n)))
m = m + m.H # make it Hermitian
fc.set_hoppings(lambda i,j: m[i,j])
def vijkl(i,j,k,l):
    """Function defining the many body interaction"""
    if i==j and k==l and abs(i-k)==1: return 1.0
    else: return 0.0
fc.set_vijkl(vijkl) # add interaction term
print("GS energy with ED",fc.gs_energy(mode="ED")) # energy with exact diag
print("GS energy with DMRG",fc.gs_energy(mode="DMRG")) # energy with DMRG


Python library to solve spin and fermionic Hamiltonians with DMRG (using ITensor) and ED







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  • C++ 79.1%
  • Python 11.9%
  • C 7.3%
  • Makefile 1.1%
  • Fortran 0.3%
  • Objective-C 0.2%
  • Other 0.1%