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Analysis tool for warframe market.

📈 Warframe Metrics

Warframe market is an excellent tool for all of us traders. However, what about the metrics that all traders require to make intillegent desicions. This library looks to extend the possible analysis based on the data provided openly by warframe market.

  • Free software: MIT license

📚 Documentation

Documentation is currently a work in progress.

📦 Installing

You can install warframe-metrics using pip:

$ pip install warframe-metrics

📤 Credit

All credit goes to and their creators for enabling this project and the data used within it..

⚙ Using

Coming soon...

👷 Contributing ------------

Contributions are welcome. To learn more, see the Contributor Guide.

📕 License

Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, warframe-metrics is free and open source software.

💥 Issues

If you encounter any issues or problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.