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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


Developed a robust CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) web application using React.js, showcasing proficiency in modern web development practices. Below are the key features implemented:

1)CRUD Operations: Implemented full CRUD functionality allowing users to Create, Read, Update, and Delete data seamlessly. 2)Routing: Utilized React Router for efficient navigation and management of application routes, ensuring a smooth user experience. 3)User Management: Designed a user-friendly interface where users can add and create new users within the same page, leveraging modal popups for a seamless experience. 4)Search Functionality: Integrated search functionality enabling users to quickly find relevant data, enhancing usability. 5)Performance Optimization: Employed debounce techniques to optimize performance and reduce unnecessary API calls, ensuring a responsive application. 6)Styling with Tailwind CSS: Utilized Tailwind CSS for consistent and visually appealing UI components, ensuring a modern and clean design. 7)Toast Notifications: Implemented toast notifications to provide real-time feedback to users upon successful actions such as adding data, enhancing user interaction. 8)API Integration: Utilized Axios library for making asynchronous HTTP requests to interact with backend APIs, ensuring efficient data retrieval and manipulation. 9)Loader Implementation: Incorporated loaders to indicate background processes and provide feedback to users during data loading operations, improving user experience. 10)Confirmation Dialog: Implemented confirmation dialogs for delete operations, prompting users to confirm before deleting data to prevent accidental deletions and enhance data safety. This project not only demonstrates proficiency in React.js but also showcases expertise in frontend development principles, UI/UX design, and API integration.