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1) Path Folder 73-Set Matrix Zeroes JAVA: ltc Problem Link
1) Path Folder 73-Set Matrix Zeroes CPP: ltc Problem Link
2) Path Folder 118. Pascal's Triangle: ltc Problem Link
2) Path Folder 119. Pascal's Triangle II: ltc Problem Link
3) Path Folder 31. Next Permutation: ltc Problem Link
4) Path Folder 53. Maximum Subarray: ltc Problem Link
5) Path Folder 75. Sort Colors: ltc Problem Link
6) Path Folder 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock: ltc Problem Link
7) Path Folder 48. Rotate Image: ltc Problem Link
8) Path Folder 56. Merge Intervals: ltc Problem Link
9) Path Folder 88. Merge Sorted Array: ltc Problem Link
10) Path Folder 287. Find the Duplicate Number: ltc Problem Link
11) Path Folder 1296. Divide Array in Sets of K Consecutive Numbers


1) Path Folder 73-Set Matrix Zeroes : ltc Problem Link
2) Path Folder 394. Decode String : ltc Problem Link
3) Path Folder 179. Largest Number
4) Path Folder 2165. Smallest Value of the Rearranged Number


1) Path Folder Recursively remove all adjacent duplicates : gfg Problem Link
3) Path Folder Pascle Tringle : cdn Problem Link
4) Path Folder Combination Sum : ltc Problem Link
5) Path Folder Combination Sum 2 : ltc Problem Link
6) Path Folder Palindrom Partitioning : ltc Problem Link
7) Path Folder Permutation Sequence : ltc Problem Link
8) Path Folder Permutation Sequence : ltc Problem Link
9) Path Folder Find the Winner of the Circular Game : ltc Problem Link
10) Path Folder 22. Generate Parentheses: ltc Problem Link
11) Path Folder 45. Jump Game II: ltc Problem Link
12) Path Folder 241. Different Ways to Add Parentheses ltc Problem Link
13) Path Folder 486. Predict the Winner ltc Problem Link
14) Path Folder 64. Minimum Path Sum ltc Problem Link
15) Path Folder 64. Minimum Path Sum ltc Problem Link
16) Path Folder 198. House Robber ltc Problem Link
17) Path Folder 213. House Robber II ltc Problem Link
18) Path Folder 300. Longest Increasing Subsequence ltc Problem Link


5) Path Folder VerticalOrderTraversal : cdn Problem Link
6) Path Folder TreeTraversals(inorder,preorder,postorder) : cdn Problem Link
9) Path Folder MaximumWidthofBinaryTree : lc Problem Link
10) Path Folder LeftViewOfBinaryTree : gfg Problem Link || cdn Problem Link
11) Path Folder BottomViewOfBinaryTree : cdn Problem Link || gfg Problem Link


1) Path Folder N Meetings In A Room : cdn Problem Link || gfg
2) Path Folder Minimum Plateform : cdn Problem Link || gfg
3) Path Folder 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II : Problem Link
4) Path Folder 455. Assign Cookies : Problem Link


1) Path Folder 152. Maximum Product Subarray: lc Problem Link


1) Path Folder 509. Fibonacci Number: lc Problem Link
2) Path Folder 70. Climbing Stairs: lc Problem Link
4) Path Folder Frog Jump K: Problem Link
5) Path Folder Maximum sum of non-adjacent elements: Problem Link
6) Path Folder 62. Unique Paths: Problem Link
7) Path Folder 931. Minimum Falling Path Sum: Problem Link
8) Path Folder 1463. Cherry Pickup II: Problem Link
9) Path Folder Subset Sum Equal To K: Problem Link
10) Path Folder 416. Partition Equal Subset Sum: Problem Link
11) Path Folder Partition a set into two subsets such that the difference of subset sums is minimum.: Problem Link
12) Path Folder Number Of Subsets: Problem Link
13) Path Folder Partitions With Given Difference: Problem Link
14) Path Folder 0 1 Knapsack : Problem Link
15) Path Folder 322. Coin Change : Problem Link
16) Path Folder 494. Target Sum : Problem Link
17) Path Folder 518. Coin Change II : Problem Link
18) Path Folder Unbounded Knapsack : Problem Link
19) Path Folder Rod cutting problem : Problem Link

Dp On String

20) Path Folder 1143. Longest Common Subsequence : Problem Link
21) Path Folder Print Longest Common Subsequence : Problem Link
22) Path Folder Longest Common Substring : Problem Link
23) Path Folder 516. Longest Palindromic Subsequence : Problem Link
24) Path Folder 1312. Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String Palindrome : Problem Link
25) Path Folder Minimum Number of Deletions and Insertions : Problem Link
26) Path Folder 1092. Shortest Common Supersequence : Problem Link
27) Path Folder 115. Distinct Subsequences : Problem Link
28) Path Folder 72. Edit Distance : Problem Link
29) Path Folder 44. Wildcard Matching : Problem Link

DP On Stock

6) Path Folder 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock: ltc Problem Link
30) Path Folder 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II : Problem Link
31) Path Folder 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III : Problem Link
32) Path Folder 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV : Problem Link
33) Path Folder 309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown : Problem Link
34) Path Folder 714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee : Problem Link


35) Path Folder Longest Increasing Subsequence : Problem Link
36) Path Folder Print Longest Increasing Subsequence : Problem Link
37) Path Folder 368. Largest Divisible Subset : Problem Link
38) Path Folder Longest Bitonic Sequence : Problem Link
39) Path Folder 673. Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence : Problem Link

DP Practice

40) Path Folder 877. Stone Game : Problem Link
41) Path Folder 1387. Sort Integers by The Power Value : Problem Link
42) Path Folder 2140. Solving Questions With Brainpower : Problem Link
43) Path Folder 396. Rotate Function : Problem Link

Contest Weekly Contest 325

1) 2517. Maximum Tastiness of Candy Basket: Problem Link
2) 2515. Shortest Distance to Target String in a Circular Array: Problem Link
3) 2516. Take K of Each Character From Left and Right: Problem Link

Weekly Contest 326

1) 2520. Count the Digits That Divide a Numberr Problem Link
2) 2521. Distinct Prime Factors of Product of Array Problem Link
3) 2522. Partition String Into Substrings With Values at Most K Problem Link
4) 2523. Closest Prime Numbers in Range Problem Link

Sliding Winodws || Two Pointer

1) Path Folder 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters : Problem Link
2) Path Folder 1004. Max Consecutive Ones III : Problem Link
3) Path Folder 904. Fruit Into Baskets : Problem Link
4) Path Folder 424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement : Problem Link
5) Path Folder 930. Binary Subarrays With Sum : Problem Link
6) Path Folder 1248. Count Number of Nice Subarrays : Problem Link
7) Path Folder 1358. Number of Substrings Containing All Three Characters : Problem Link
8) Path Folder 1423. Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards : Problem Link
9) Path Folder Longest K unique characters substring : Problem Link
10) Path Folder 992. Subarrays with K Different Integers : Problem Link

Linked List

1) Path Folder 2. Add Two Numbers
2) Path Folder 705. Design HashSet
3) Path Folder Introduction to Linked List Problem Link
4) Path Folder Linked List Insertion Problem Link
5) Path Folder 237. Delete Node in a Linked List Problem Link
6) Path Folder Introduction to Doubly Linked List Problem Link
7) Path Folder Doubly linked list Insertion at given position Problem Link


1) Path Folder BFS of graph : Problem Link
2) Path Folder DFS of Graph : Problem Link
3) Path Folder DFS of Graph : Problem Link
4) Path Folder 994. Rotting Oranges : Problem Link
5) Path Folder 733. Flood Fill : Problem Link
6) Path Folder Detect cycle in an undirected graph : Problem Link
7) Path Folder 547. Number of Provinces
8) Path Folder 542. 01 Matrix
9) Path Folder 130. Surrounded Regions
10) Path Folder 1020. Number of Enclaves
11) Path Folder 127. Word Ladder problem link
12) Path Folder Word Ladder II Leetcode link
13) Path Folder Topological sort (kahn's algo) problem link
14) Path Folder Number of Distinct Islands problem link
15) Path Folder 785. Is Graph Bipartite? problem link
16) Path Folder Detect cycle in a directed graph problem link
18) Path Folder LeetCode 210. Course Schedule II problem link Leetcode
21) Path Folder gfg Shortest path in Undirected Graph having unit distance problem link gfg
22) Path Folder gfg Shortest path in Directed Acyclic Graph problem link gfg
23) Path Folder gfg Implementing Dijkstra Algorithm problem link gfg
24) Path Folder gfg Shortest Path in Weighted undirected graph problem link gfg
25) Path Folder gfg Shortest Distance in a Binary Maze problem link gfg || Path LC --> Problem Link LC
26) Path Folder gfg 1631. Path With Minimum Effort problem link gfg || Path LC --> Problem Link LC
27) Path Folder 787. Cheapest Flights Within K Stops Problem Link
28) Path Folder 743. Network Delay Time Problem Link
29) Path Folder 1976. Number of Ways to Arrive at Destination Problem Link GFG Link

bIT Manipulation

1) Path Folder 338. Counting Bits