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This repository contains all of my dotfiles configuration.

Dotfiles Manager

I'm using GNU Stow a free, lightweight dotfiles manager written in Perl to manages my dotfiles.

What's make differentiates it from other dotfiles managers is that it does not require various Python, Ruby or Perl dependencies like most dotfiles manager.

With that, it is easy to share files among multiple users or computers with a few command lines.

List of files:

 emacs           ➔ configuration for python, js, php, org, latex, etc.
 emacsClient     ➔ connect to emacs daemon.
 git             ➔ global git config and aliases
 htop            ➔ interactive process viewer
 mpd             ➔ music player daemon
 systemd         ➔ systemd units
 tmux            ➔ terminal multiplexer
 zsh             ➔ zshell settings, aliases, and custom prompts

Getting Started

No matter what your Linux distribution, stow can easily be installed according to your package manager:

sudo apt-get install stow
sudo dnf install stow

Once the installation is complete, make a clone of the repository:

git clone

You can now install any configurations you wish to copy using GNU Stow:

# Make sure you are in the right directory
cd .dotfiles

# Example to install the htop config
stow htop

# Uninstall the htop config
stow -D htop