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Reminders - Class for managing reminders about tasks and events


    use Reminders;

    my Reminders $rem .= new; # use default 'reminders.sqlite.db' db file
    say "Setting up some reminders up to 20 seconds in the future";
    $rem.add: '5 seconds passed',  :5in;
    $rem.add: '15 seconds passed', :when(now+15), :who<Zoffix>, :where<#perl6>;

    react whenever $rem {
        say "Reminder: $^reminder";
        once $rem.add('One more thing, bruh', :15in).done;

    # OUTPUT (exits after printing last line):
    # Reminder: 5 seconds passed
    # Reminder: Zoffix@#perl6 15 seconds passed
    # Reminder: One more thing, bruh

Another example:

    use Reminders;

    my Reminders $rem .= new;
    $rem.add: 'one', :who<Zoffix>, :where<space>, :1in;
    $rem.add: 'two', :who<Meows>,  :where<perl6>, :2in;

    react whenever $rem -> $r {
        say "Reminder: $r.what() [$r.who() / $r.where()]";
        once {
            $rem.snooze: $r, :3in;

    # OUTPUT (exits after printing last line):
    # Reminder: one [Zoffix / space]
    # Reminder: two [Meows / perl6]
    # Reminder: one [Zoffix / space]



You ask the class to remind you with stuff, tagged with an optional name and location. When the time comes, the class will emit the reminder to a Supply. The reminders are stored in an SQLite database, so even if you close the program, you will still get your reminders the next time you fire it up.


monitor Reminders

method .new

    submethod TWEAK(IO() :$db-file = 'reminders.sqlite.db')

Creates a new Reminders object. Takes an optional :$db-file named arg specifying the SQLite database file location. The file will be automatically created and SQL schema deployed if the file does not exist.

If the database has any unseen reminders with their due times reached, they will be emited.

    my Reminders $rem .= new;
    my Reminders $rem-custom .= new: :db-file<my-special-reminders.db>;

method .add

    multi method add (UInt:D :$in!, |c --> Reminders:D)
    multi method add (
                Str:D  \what,
                Str:D  :$who   = '',
                Str:D  :$where = '',
        Instant(Any:D) :$when! where DateTime|Instant
        --> Reminders:D

Returns the invocant. Adds a new reminder as string what to be emitted at the :$when Instant. If :$in argument is used, the call is re-done with :$when set to now plus $in seconds. It's invalid to set both :$in and :$when at the same time.

Reminders with :$when set in the past are allowed and will be emitted immediately. If :$when is up to 10 seconds in the future from now, the reminder may be emitted immediately.

Optional :$who and :$where arguments can be provided for arbitrary classification of the reminder (these will be available via methods of the emitted object).

    $rem.add: 'one', :5in;       # may  be emitted immediately
    $rem.add: 'two', :in(-1000); # will be emitted immediately
    $rem.add: 'three', :when( :year), # will be scheduled
              :who<Zoffix>, :where<#perl6>;

method .all

    method all (:$all --> List:D)

Returns a possibly-empty List of Reminder::Rem objects representing all currently-unseen reminders, ordered by creation time, in descending order. If :$all is set to a truthy value, returns all reminders in the database, including those marked as seen.

    .say for flat "You have these unseen reminders: ", $rem.all;
    # OUTPUT:
    # You have these unseen reminders:
    # get starship fuel

    .say for flat  "These are the reminders in the database: ", $rem.all: :all;
    # OUTPUT:
    # These are the reminders in the database:
    # pick up milk
    # get starship fuel

method .done

    method done (--> Nil)

Calls done on the Supplier responsible for the Supply of reminder objects, one all of them have been emitted.

Calling this method is optional and is just a convenience to break out of, say, react loops. It's not permitted to .add more reminders once this method have been called.

    my Reminders $rem .= new;
    $rem.add: 'one', :3in;
    $rem.add: 'two', :5in;
    react whenever $rem { say "Reminder: $^reminder" }

    # OUTPUT (automatically exits after last line):
    # Reminder: one
    # Reminder: two

method .mark-seen

    multi method mark-seen (UInt:D \id --> Nil)
    multi method mark-seen (Reminders::Rem:D $rem --> Nil)

Takes a reminder object or just its id and marks it as "seen". Reminders emitted into the .Supply are marked as "seen" automatically when emitted.

    $rem.mark-seen: $_ for $rem.all.grep: *.what.contains: 'stuff I done already';

Marking an emitted reminder as "seen" will prevent it from being emitted, even if it was already scheduled.

method .mark-unseen

    multi method mark-unseen (UInt:D \id, :$re-schedule --> Nil)
    multi method mark-unseen (Reminders::Rem:D $rem, :$re-schedule --> Nil)

Takes a reminder object or just its id and marks it as "unseen". If :$re-schedule named argument is set to a truthy value, the reminder will also be re-scheduled; note that if reminder's .when is in the past, that will cause it to be immediately emitted and again marked as "seen".

    $rem.mark-unseen: $_, :re-schedule
        for $rem.all.grep: *.what.contains: 'stuff I forgot to do';

method .rem

    method rem (UInt:D \id --> Reminders::Rem:D)

Takes an id of a reminder and returns the reminder object for it, or Nil if a reminder with such an id was not found.

    say "You're meant to do: " ~ $rem.rem(2).what;

method .remove

    multi method remove (UInt:D \id --> Nil)
    multi method remove (Reminders::Rem:D \rem --> Nil)

Takes a reminder object or its ID and deletes it from the database and prevents it from being emitted if it was already scheduled (note that the internal scheduling Promise will still exist until it fires, it just won't emit the reminder when it does).

    $rem.remove: $_ for $rem.all.grep: *.what.contains: 'things I done';

method .snooze

multi method snooze (UInt:D \id, |c --> Reminders::Rem:D)
multi method snooze (UInt:D :$in!, |c --> Reminders::Rem:D)
multi method snooze (
    Reminders::Rem:D \rem, Instant(Any:D) :$when! where DateTime|Instant
    --> Reminders::Rem:D

Takes a reminder object or its ID, marks it unseen and adjusts .when to a new value given via :$in or :$when named arguments (same semantics as in .add method). Returns the updated reminder object. It's not permitted to .snooze after Reminders was .done

    my Reminders $rem .= new;
    $rem.add: 'one', :who<Zoffix>, :where<space>, :1in;
    $rem.add: 'two', :who<Meows>,  :where<perl6>, :2in;

    react whenever $rem -> $r {
        say "Reminder: $r.what() [$r.who() / $r.where()]";
        once {
            $rem.snooze: $r, :3in;

    # OUTPUT (exits after printing last line):
    # Reminder: one [Zoffix / space]
    # Reminder: two [Meows / perl6]
    # Reminder: one [Zoffix / space]

method .Supply

    method Supply (--> Supply:D)

Returns a Supply of emitted reminder objects that are emited at their :$when/:$in times. The Supply is managed by Supplier::Preserving

monitor Reminders::Rem

A reminder object emitted into Reminders.Supply that represents a reminder.

method .new

This object cannot be instantiated directly.

method .id

Returns a UInt with reminder object's ID. This is the ID accepted by several Reminders's methods.

method .what

Returns a Str:D containing the message of the reminder. This is the what given to Reminders.add method.

method .who

Returns a Str:D containing the value of :$who that was given to Reminders.add method.

method .where

Returns a Str:D containing the value of :$where that was given to Reminders.add method.

method .when

Returns an Instant:D containing the value of when the reminder was scheduled for. This value is interpreted from :$in or :$when value given to Reminders.add method.

method .Str

Returns a Str:D composed of the reminder's .what value, preceeded by string $who@$what if either .who or .what value is non-empty.

method .gist

Calls .Str and returns its value.


Reminders type is a monitor, so it's safe to multi-thread its methods.

However, currently, trying to use the same database file from multiple programs or multiple Reminders instances might have issues due to race conditions or crashes if SQLite or DBIish are not thread safe (no idea if they are).

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Zoffix Znet (


You can use and distribute this module under the terms of the The Artistic License 2.0. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution for complete details.

The META6.json file of this distribution may be distributed and modified without restrictions or attribution.


Class for managing reminders about tasks and events








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