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Added formatting capabilities to Telemetry report
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- :@Format named parameter
- expects a list with lists of: column name, method name, format, legend
  - format *without* the preceding '%'
  • Loading branch information
lizmat committed Nov 3, 2017
1 parent fccc751 commit 1c2c7d8
Showing 1 changed file with 144 additions and 105 deletions.
249 changes: 144 additions & 105 deletions lib/Telemetry.pm6
Expand Up @@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ multi sub periods(@s) { (1..^@s).map: { @s[$_] - @s[$_ - 1] } }

# Telemetry reporting features -------------------------------------------------
proto sub report(|) is export {*}
multi sub report(:@columns, :$legend, :$header-repeat = 32) {
multi sub report(:@columns, :$legend, :$header-repeat = 32, :@format) {
my $s := nqp::clone(nqp::getattr(@snaps,List,'$!reified'));
nqp::push($s, if nqp::elems($s) == 1;
Expand All @@ -614,116 +614,143 @@ multi sub report(:@columns, :$legend, :$header-repeat = 32) {

# Convert to spaces if numeric value is 0
sub hide0(\value, int $size = 3) {
value ?? value.fmt("%{$size}d") !! nqp::x(" ",$size)
# some constants for the %format list
constant COLUMN = 0; # short name
constant METHOD = 1; # method name
constant FORMAT = 2; # format (without % prefixed)
constant LEGEND = 3; # legend
constant HEADER = 4; # generated: column header
constant FOOTER = 5; # generated: column footer
constant DISPLAY = 6; # generated: code to execute to display

sub prepare-format(@raw) is raw {
my %format;

for @raw -> @info is copy {
my str $column = @info[COLUMN];
my str $method = @info[METHOD];
my str $format = @info[FORMAT];
my int $width = $format; # natives have p5 semantics
my str $empty = nqp::x(" ",$width);

@info[HEADER] = $column.fmt("%{$width}s");
@info[FOOTER] = nqp::x("-",$width);
@info[DISPLAY] = -> \value{ value ?? value.fmt("%$format") !! $empty }

%format{$column} = @info;
%format{$method} = @info if $method ne $column;


# Set after first run. Unfortunately, cannot do this at compile time as
# apparently we have a bug serializing code blocks living inside data
# structures such as this one.
my %default_format;

# Set up how to handle report generation (in alphabetical order)
my %format =
affinity-tasks-completed =>
[ " atc", { hide0(.affinity-tasks-completed,8) },
"The number of tasks completed in affinity threads"],
affinity-tasks-queued =>
[ "atq", { hide0(.affinity-tasks-queued) },
"The number of tasks queued for execution in affinity threads"],
affinity-workers =>
[ " aw", { hide0(.affinity-workers) },
"The number of affinity threads"],
cpu =>
[" cpu", { .cpu.fmt('%8d') },
"The amount of CPU used (in microseconds)"],
cpu-user =>
["cpu-user", { .cpu.fmt('%8d') },
"The amount of CPU used in user code (in microseconds)"],
cpu-sys =>
[" cpu-sys", { .cpu.fmt('%8d') },
"The amount of CPU used in system overhead (in microseconds)"],
general-workers =>
[ " gw", { hide0(.general-workers) },
"The number of general worker threads"],
general-tasks-queued =>
[ "gtq", { hide0(.general-tasks-queued) },
"The number of tasks queued for execution in general worker threads"],
general-tasks-completed =>
[ " gtc", { hide0(.general-tasks-completed,8) },
"The number of tasks completed in general worker threads"],
id-rss =>
[" id-rss", { hide0(.id-rss,8) },
"Integral unshared data size (in Kbytes)"],
inblock =>
["inb", { hide0(.inblock) },
"Number of block input operations"],
invcsw =>
[" ics", { hide0(.invcsw,8) },
"Number of involuntary context switches"],
is-rss =>
[" is-rss", { hide0(.id-rss,8) },
"Integral unshared stack size (in Kbytes)"],
ix-rss =>
[" ix-rss", { hide0(.ix-rss,8) },
"Integral shared text memory size (in Kbytes)"],
maj-flt =>
["aft", { hide0(.maj-flt,3) },
"Number of page reclaims (ru_majflt)"],
max-rss =>
[" max-rss", { hide0(.max-rss,8) },
"Maximum resident set size (in Kbytes)"],
min-flt =>
["ift", { hide0(.min-flt) },
"Number of page reclaims (ru_minflt)"],
msgrcv =>
["mrc", { hide0(.msgrcv) },
"Number of messages received"],
msgsnd =>
["msd", { hide0(.msgsnd) },
"Number of messages sent"],
nsignals =>
["ngs", { hide0(.nsignals) },
"Number of signals received"],
nswap =>
["nsw", { hide0(.nswap) },
"Number of swaps"],
nvcsw =>
[" vcs", { hide0(.nvcsw,4) },
"Number of voluntary context switches"],
outblock =>
["oub", { hide0(.outblock) },
"Number of block output operations"],
supervisor =>
[ "s", { hide0(.supervisor,1) },
"The number of supervisors"],
timer-workers =>
[ " tw", { hide0(.timer-workers) },
"The number of timer threads"],
timer-tasks-queued =>
[ "ttq", { hide0(.timer-tasks-queued) },
"The number of tasks queued for execution in timer threads"],
timer-tasks-completed =>
[ " ttc", { hide0(.timer-tasks-completed,8) },
"The number of tasks completed in timer threads"],
utilization =>
[ " util%", { .utilization.fmt('%6.2f') },
"Percentage of CPU utilization (0..100%)"],
wallclock =>
["wallclock", { hide0(.wallclock,9) },
"Number of microseconds elapsed"],
constant @default_format =
atc affinity-tasks-completed 8d
"The number of tasks completed in affinity threads"
atq affinity-tasks-queued 3d
"The number of tasks queued for execution in affinity threads"
aw affinity-workers 3d
"The number of affinity threads"
cpu cpu 8d
"The amount of CPU used (in microseconds)"
cpu-user cpu-user 8d
"The amount of CPU used in user code (in microseconds)"
cpu-sys cpu-sys 8d
"The amount of CPU used in system overhead (in microseconds)"
gw general-workers 3d
"The number of general worker threads"
gtq general-tasks-queued 3d
"The number of tasks queued for execution in general worker threads"
gtc general-tasks-completed 8d
"The number of tasks completed in general worker threads"
id-rss id-rss 8d
"Integral unshared data size (in Kbytes)"
inb inblock 3d
"Number of block input operations"
invcsw invcsw 8d
"Number of involuntary context switches"
is-rss is-rss 8d
"Integral unshared stack size (in Kbytes)"
ix-rss ix-rss 8d
"Integral shared text memory size (in Kbytes)"
aft maj-flt 3d
"Number of page reclaims (ru_majflt)"
max-rss max-rss 8d
"Maximum resident set size (in Kbytes)"
ift min-flt 3d
"Number of page reclaims (ru_minflt)"
mrc msgrcv 3d
"Number of messages received"
msd msgsnd 3d
"Number of messages sent"
ngs nsignals 3d
"Number of signals received"
nsw nswap 3d
"Number of swaps"
vcs nvcsw 4d
"Number of voluntary context switches"
oub outblock 3d
"Number of block output operations"
s supervisor 1d
"The number of supervisors"
tw timer-workers 3d
"The number of timer threads"
ttq timer-tasks-queued 3d
"The number of tasks queued for execution in timer threads"
ttc timer-tasks-completed 8d
"The number of tasks completed in timer threads"
util% utilization 6.2f
"Percentage of CPU utilization (0..100%)"
wallclock wallclock 9d
"Number of microseconds elapsed"

# Set footer and make sure we can also use the header key as an indicator
for %format.values -> \v {
v[3] = '-' x v[0].chars;
%format{v[0].trim} = v;

multi sub report(
:@columns is copy,
:$header-repeat = 32,
) {

unless @columns {
Expand All @@ -735,21 +762,33 @@ multi sub report(

# get / calculate the format info we need
my %format := %default_format
?? %default_format
!! @format
?? prepare-format(@format)
!! (%default_format := prepare-format(@default_format));

my $total = @s[*-1] - @s[0];
my $text := nqp::list_s(qq:to/HEADER/.chomp);
Telemetry Report of Process #$*PID ({Instant.from-posix(nqp::time_i).DateTime})
Number of Snapshots: {+@s}
Initial Size: { @s[0].max-rss.fmt('%9d') } Kbytes
Total Time: { ($total.wallclock / 1000000).fmt('%9.2f') } seconds
Total CPU Usage: { ($total.cpu / 1000000).fmt('%9.2f') } seconds
Total Time: { (%format<wallclock>[DISPLAY]($total.wallclock)) } seconds
Total CPU Usage: { (%format<cpu>[DISPLAY]($total.cpu)) } seconds

sub push-period($period) {

my @formats = %format{@columns};
sub push-period($period --> Nil) {
%format{@columns}>>.[1]>>.($period).join(' ').trim-trailing); -> @info {
}).join(' ').trim-trailing

my $header = "\n%format{@columns}>>.[0].join(' ')";
my $header = "\n%format{@columns}>>.[HEADER].join(' ')";
nqp::push_s($text,$header) unless $header-repeat;

for periods(@s).kv -> $index, $period {
Expand All @@ -758,15 +797,15 @@ HEADER

nqp::push_s($text,%format{@columns}>>.[3].join(' '));
nqp::push_s($text,%format{@columns}>>.[FOOTER].join(' '));


if $legend {
for %format{@columns} -> $col {
nqp::push_s($text," $col[0].trim-leading.fmt('%9s') $col[2]");
nqp::push_s($text,"$col[COLUMN].fmt("%9s") $col[LEGEND]");

Expand Down

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