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restore old from-json for backends without Uni (JVM)
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timo committed Jul 23, 2020
1 parent b60e163 commit 43bd739
Showing 1 changed file with 358 additions and 1 deletion.
359 changes: 358 additions & 1 deletion src/core.c/Rakudo/Internals/JSON.pm6
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -315,7 +315,10 @@ my class Rakudo::Internals::JSON {

# there's a new version of from-json and friends that's a lot faster,
# but it relies on the existence of the Uni type.
# It doesn't exist on jvm, unfortunately.
#?if moar
my $ws := nqp::list_i;
nqp::bindpos_i($ws, 9, 1); # \t
nqp::bindpos_i($ws, 10, 1); # \n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -713,6 +716,360 @@ my class Rakudo::Internals::JSON {


#?if jvm
my $ws := nqp::list_i;
nqp::bindpos_i($ws,$_ + 1,1) for 9,10,13,32; # allow for -1 as value
my sub nom-ws(str $text, int $pos is rw --> Nil) {
nqp::atpos_i($ws,nqp::ordat($text,$pos) + 1),
$pos = $pos + 1
die "reached end of string when looking for something"
if $pos == nqp::chars($text);

my sub tear-off-combiners(\text, \pos) {
text.substr(pos,1) {
$^ord > 0x10000
?? to-surrogate-pair($^ord)
!! $^ord.chr
} ).join

my Mu $hexdigits := nqp::hash(
'97', 1, '98', 1, '99', 1, '100', 1, '101', 1, '102', 1,
'48', 1, '49', 1, '50', 1, '51', 1, '52', 1, '53', 1, '54', 1, '55', 1, '56', 1, '57', 1,
'65', 1, '66', 1, '67', 1, '68', 1, '69', 1, '70', 1);

my Mu $escapees := nqp::hash(
"34", '"', "47", "/", "92", "\\", "98", "\b", "102", "\f", "110", "\n", "114", "\r", "116", "\t");

my sub parse-string(str $text, int $pos is rw) {
# first we gallop until the end of the string
my int $startpos = $pos;
my int $endpos;
my int $textlength = nqp::chars($text);

my int $ord;
my int $has_hexcodes;
my int $has_treacherous;
my str $startcombiner = "";
my Mu $treacherous;
my Mu $escape_counts := nqp::hash();

unless nqp::eqat($text, '"', $startpos - 1) {
$startcombiner = tear-off-combiners($text, $startpos - 1);

loop {
$ord = nqp::ordat($text, $pos);
$pos = $pos + 1;

if $pos > $textlength {
die "unexpected end of document in string";

if nqp::eqat($text, '"', $pos - 1) {
$endpos = $pos - 1;
} elsif $ord == 92 {
if nqp::eqat($text, '"', $pos) or nqp::eqat($text, '\\', $pos) or nqp::eqat($text, 'b', $pos)
or nqp::eqat($text, 'f', $pos) or nqp::eqat($text, 'n', $pos) or nqp::eqat($text, 'r', $pos)
or nqp::eqat($text, 't', $pos) or nqp::eqat($text, '/', $pos) {
my str $character = nqp::substr($text, $pos, 1);
if nqp::existskey($escape_counts, $character) {
nqp::bindkey($escape_counts, $character, nqp::atkey($escape_counts, $character) + 1);
} else {
nqp::bindkey($escape_counts, $character, 1);
$pos = $pos + 1;
} elsif nqp::eqat($text, 'u', $pos) {
loop {
die "unexpected end of document; was looking for four hexdigits." if $textlength - $pos < 5;
if nqp::existskey($hexdigits, nqp::ordat($text, $pos + 1))
and nqp::existskey($hexdigits, nqp::ordat($text, $pos + 2))
and nqp::existskey($hexdigits, nqp::ordat($text, $pos + 3))
and nqp::existskey($hexdigits, nqp::ordat($text, $pos + 4)) {
$pos = $pos + 4;
} else {
die "expected hexadecimals after \\u, but got \"{ nqp::substr($text, $pos - 1, 6) }\" at $pos";
if nqp::eqat($text, '\u', $pos) {
} else {
} elsif nqp::existskey($escapees, nqp::ordat($text, $pos)) {
# treacherous!
$treacherous := nqp::hash() unless $treacherous;
my int $treach_ord = nqp::ordat($text, $pos);
if nqp::existskey($treacherous, $treach_ord) {
nqp::bindkey($treacherous, $treach_ord, nqp::atkey($treacherous, $treach_ord) + 1)
} else {
nqp::bindkey($treacherous, $treach_ord, 1)
} else {
die "don't understand escape sequence '\\{ nqp::substr($text, $pos, 1) }' at $pos";
} elsif $ord == 9 or $ord == 10 {
die "this kind of whitespace is not allowed in a string: { nqp::substr($text, $pos - 1, 1).raku } at {$pos - 1}";

$pos = $pos + 1;

my str $raw = nqp::substr($text, $startpos, $endpos - $startpos);
if $startcombiner {
$raw = $startcombiner ~ $raw
if not $has_treacherous and not $has_hexcodes and $escape_counts {
my @a;
my @b;
if nqp::existskey($escape_counts, "n") and nqp::existskey($escape_counts, "r") {
@a.push("\\r\\n"); @b.push("\r\n");
if nqp::existskey($escape_counts, "n") {
@a.push("\\n"); @b.push("\n");
if nqp::existskey($escape_counts, "r") {
@a.push("\\r"); @b.push("\r");
if nqp::existskey($escape_counts, "t") {
@a.push("\\t"); @b.push("\t");
if nqp::existskey($escape_counts, '"') {
@a.push('\\"'); @b.push('"');
if nqp::existskey($escape_counts, "/") {
@a.push("\\/"); @b.push("/");
if nqp::existskey($escape_counts, "\\") {
@a.push("\\\\"); @b.push("\\");
$raw .= trans(@a => @b) if @a;
} elsif $has_hexcodes or nqp::elems($escape_counts) {
$raw = $raw.subst(/ \\ (<-[uU]>) || [\\ (<[uU]>) (<[a..f 0..9 A..F]> ** 3)]+ %(<[a..f 0..9 A..F]>) (:m <[a..f 0..9 A..F]>) /,
-> $/ {
if $0.elems > 1 || $0.Str eq "u" || $0.Str eq "U" {
my @caps = $/.caps>>.value>>.Str;
my $result = $/;
my str $endpiece = "";
if my $lastchar = nqp::chr(nqp::ord(@caps.tail)) ne @caps.tail {
$endpiece = tear-off-combiners(@caps.tail, 0);
my int @hexes;
for @caps -> $u, $first, $second {
@hexes.push(:16($first ~ $second).self);

die "Couldn't decode hexadecimal unicode escape { $result.Str } at { $startpos + $result.from }";
} ~ $endpiece;
} else {
if nqp::existskey($escapees, nqp::ordat($0.Str, 0)) {
my str $replacement = nqp::atkey($escapees, nqp::ordat($0.Str, 0));
$replacement ~ tear-off-combiners($0.Str, 0);
} else {
die "stumbled over unexpected escape code \\{ chr(nqp::ordat($0.Str, 0)) } at { $startpos + $/.from }";
}, :g);

$pos = $pos - 1;


my sub parse-numeric(str $text, int $pos is rw) {
my int $startpos = $pos;

$pos = $pos + 1 while nqp::iscclass(nqp::const::CCLASS_NUMERIC, $text, $pos);

my $residual := nqp::substr($text, $pos, 1);

if $residual eq '.' {
$pos = $pos + 1;

$pos = $pos + 1 while nqp::iscclass(nqp::const::CCLASS_NUMERIC, $text, $pos);

$residual := nqp::substr($text, $pos, 1);

if $residual eq 'e' || $residual eq 'E' {
$pos = $pos + 1;

if nqp::eqat($text, '-', $pos) || nqp::eqat($text, '+', $pos) {
$pos = $pos + 1;

$pos = $pos + 1 while nqp::iscclass(nqp::const::CCLASS_NUMERIC, $text, $pos);

+(my $result := nqp::substr($text, $startpos - 1, $pos - $startpos + 1)) // die "at $pos: invalid number token $result.raku()";

my sub parse-obj(str $text, int $pos is rw) {
my %result;

my $key;
my $value;

nom-ws($text, $pos);

if nqp::eqat($text, '}', $pos) {
$pos = $pos + 1;
return %result;

my $thing;
loop {
$thing := Any;

if $key.DEFINITE {
$thing := parse-thing($text, $pos)
} else {
nom-ws($text, $pos);

if nqp::ordat($text, $pos) == 34 { # "
$pos = $pos + 1;
$thing := parse-string($text, $pos)
} else {
die "at end of string: expected a quoted string for an object key" if $pos == nqp::chars($text);
die "at $pos: json requires object keys to be strings";
nom-ws($text, $pos);

#my str $partitioner = nqp::substr($text, $pos, 1);

if nqp::eqat($text, ':', $pos) and !($key.DEFINITE or $value.DEFINITE) {
$key := $thing;
} elsif nqp::eqat($text, ',', $pos) and $key.DEFINITE and not $value.DEFINITE {
$value := $thing;
%result{$key} = $value;
$key := Any;
$value := Any;
} elsif nqp::eqat($text, '}', $pos) and $key.DEFINITE and not $value.DEFINITE {
$value := $thing;
%result{$key} = $value;
$pos = $pos + 1;
} else {
die "at end of string: unexpected end of object." if $pos == nqp::chars($text);
die "unexpected { nqp::substr($text, $pos, 1) } in an object at $pos";

$pos = $pos + 1;


my sub parse-array(str $text, int $pos is rw) {
my @result;

nom-ws($text, $pos);

if nqp::eqat($text, ']', $pos) {
$pos = $pos + 1;
return @result;

my $thing;
my str $partitioner;

loop {
$thing := parse-thing($text, $pos);
nom-ws($text, $pos);

$partitioner = nqp::substr($text, $pos, 1);
$pos = $pos + 1;

if $partitioner eq ']' {
@result.push: $thing;
} elsif $partitioner eq "," {
@result.push: $thing;
} else {
die "at $pos, unexpected $partitioner inside list of things in an array";


my sub parse-thing(str $text, int $pos is rw) {
nom-ws($text, $pos);

my str $initial = nqp::substr($text, $pos, 1);

$pos = $pos + 1;

if nqp::ord($initial) == 34 { # "
parse-string($text, $pos);
} elsif $initial eq '[' {
parse-array($text, $pos);
} elsif $initial eq '{' {
parse-obj($text, $pos);
} elsif nqp::iscclass(nqp::const::CCLASS_NUMERIC, $initial, 0) || $initial eq '-' {
parse-numeric($text, $pos);
} elsif $initial eq 'n' {
if nqp::eqat($text, 'ull', $pos) {
$pos += 3;
} else {
die "at $pos: i was expecting a 'null' but there wasn't one: { nqp::substr($text, $pos - 1, 10) }"
} elsif $initial eq 't' {
if nqp::eqat($text, 'rue', $pos) {
$pos = $pos + 3;
} else {
die "at $pos: expected 'true', found { $initial ~ nqp::substr($text, $pos, 3) } instead.";
} elsif $initial eq 'f' {
if nqp::eqat($text, 'alse', $pos) {
$pos = $pos + 4;
} else {
die "at $pos: expected 'false', found { $initial ~ nqp::substr($text, $pos, 4) } instead.";
} else {
my str $rest = nqp::substr($text, $pos - 1, 8).raku;
die "at $pos: expected a json object, but got $initial (context: $rest)"

method from-json(Str() $text) {
CATCH { when X::AdHoc { die$_)) } }

my str $ntext = $text;
my int $length = $text.chars;
my int $pos = 0;
my $result := parse-thing($text, $pos);

try nom-ws($text, $pos);

if $pos != nqp::chars($text) {
die "additional text after the end of the document: { substr($text, $pos).raku }";



# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4

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