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Start rewriting REPL tests using new test routine
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Tossed sanity tests (what's the point?) and two TODOed tests for
postfix if/for on next lines. Such behaviour is undesirable, since
we'll have to force users to use a semicolon at the end, having
unhelpful behaviour of expecting further lines of input when
it's missing.
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zoffixznet committed Oct 8, 2017
1 parent 153f133 commit be4d57d
Showing 1 changed file with 59 additions and 112 deletions.
171 changes: 59 additions & 112 deletions t/02-rakudo/repl.t
Expand Up @@ -13,127 +13,74 @@ my $*REPL-SCRUBBER = -> $_ is copy {

my $quote;
my $separator;
if $* {
$quote = "";
$separator = "& ";
else {
$quote = "'";
$separator = "; ";

sub feed_repl_with ( @lines, Bool:D :$no-filter-messages = False ) {
## warning: works only with simple input lines which don't need quoting for Windows
my $repl-input = '(' ~ ( { 'echo ' ~ $quote ~ $_ ~ $quote }).join($separator) ~ ')';
my $repl-output = qqx[$repl-input | $*EXECUTABLE].trim-trailing;
unless $no-filter-messages {
$repl-output ~~ s/^^ "You may want to `zef install Readline` or `zef install Linenoise` or use rlwrap for a line editor\n\n"//;
$repl-output ~~ s/^^ "To exit type 'exit' or '^D'\n"//;
$repl-output ~~ s:g/ ^^ "> " //; # Strip out the prompts
$repl-output ~~ s:g/ ">" $ //; # Strip out the final prompt
$repl-output ~~ s:g/ ^^ "* "+ //; # Strip out the continuation-prompts

my @input-lines;
# RT #123187
@input-lines[0] = 'my int $t=4; $t.say;';
@input-lines[1] = '$t.say';
is feed_repl_with( @input-lines ).lines, (4, 4),
'can use native typed variable on subsequent lines (1)';
is-run-repl «'my int $t=4; $t.say;' '$t.say'», :out<4 4>,
'can use native typed variable on subsequent lines (1)';

subtest 'indented code parses correctly' => {
plan 4;

todo "indent styles don't parse right", 3;
is-run-repl q:to/END/,
if False {
say ":(";
else {
say ":)";
:out(":)\n"), 'uncuddled else is parsed correctly';

is-run-repl q:to/END/,
if False
say ":(";
say ":)";
:out(":)\n"), 'open brace on next line is parsed correctly';

is-run-repl q:to/END/,
if False { say ":("; }
else { say ":)"; }
:out(":)\n"), 'partially-cuddled else is parsed correctly';

is-run-repl q:to/END/,
if False {
say ":(";
} else {
say ":)";
:out(":)\n"), 'cuddled else';

@input-lines = q:to/END/.split("\n");
if False {
say ":(";
else {
say ":)";
is-run-repl «'sub f {' 'say "works"' '}' 'f()'», :out{:t<2>, :l2<works> },
'multi-line sub decl';
is-run-repl «'sub f { say "works" }' 'f()'», :out{:t<2>, :l2<works> },
'single-line sub declaration works';

todo "indent styles don't parse right";
is feed_repl_with( @input-lines ).lines, ":)",
"uncuddled else is parsed correctly";

@input-lines = q:to/END/.split("\n");
if False
say ":(";
say ":)";

todo "indent styles don't parse right";
is feed_repl_with( @input-lines ).lines, ":)",
"open brace on next line is parsed correctly";

@input-lines = q:to/END/.split("\n");
if False { say ":("; }
else { say ":)"; }

todo "indent styles don't parse right";
is feed_repl_with( @input-lines ).lines, ":)",
"cuddled else is parsed correctly";

@input-lines = q:to/END/.split("\n");
if False {
say ":(";
} else {
say ":)";

is feed_repl_with( @input-lines ).lines, ":)",
"cuddled else is parsed correctly";

@input-lines = 'say "works"', 'if True;';
todo "statement mod if on the next line";
is feed_repl_with( @input-lines ).lines, "works",
"statement mod if on the next line works";

@input-lines = 'say "works"', 'for 1;';
todo "statement mod for on the next line";
is feed_repl_with( @input-lines ).lines, "works",
"statement mod for on the next line works";

@input-lines = 'sub f { 42 }', 'f()';
todo "block parsing broken";
is feed_repl_with( @input-lines ).lines, "42",
"single-line sub declaration works";

@input-lines = 'sub f {', '42', '}';
todo "block parsing broken";
is feed_repl_with( @input-lines ).lines, "42",
"single-line sub declaration works";

# RT #122914
@input-lines = 'my $a = 42; say 1', '$a.say';
is feed_repl_with( @input-lines ).lines, (1, 42),
'Assigning to a Scalar lasts to the next line';

@input-lines = 'my @a = 1, 2, 3; say 1', '@a.elems.say';
is feed_repl_with( @input-lines ).lines, (1, 3),
'Assigning to an Array lasts to the next line';

@input-lines = 'my \a = 100; say 1', 'a.say';
is feed_repl_with( @input-lines ).lines, (1, 100),
'Assigning to a sigilless lasts to the next line';
subtest 'assignment maintains values on subsequent lines' => {
plan 4;
is-run-repl «'my $a = 42; say 1' '$a.say'», :out("1\n42\n"),
is-run-repl «'my @a = 1, 2, 3; say 1' '@a.elems.say'», :out("1\n3\n"),
is-run-repl «'my %h = 1..4; say 1' 'say +%h.keys'», :out("1\n2\n"),
is-run-repl «'my \a = 100; say 1' 'a.say'», :out("1\n100\n"),
'sigilless value';

@input-lines = '';
is feed_repl_with(@input-lines).lines, (),
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