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API automated testing in Python

This is a starting point for automating API's in Python using the pytest and the AIOHTTP or HTTPX libraries on macOS.

Required dependencies

In the terminal run

  1. /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. brew install pyenv
  3. PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-framework" pyenv install 3.10.3 && pyenv global 3.10.3 && echo export PATH="$(pyenv root)/shims:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile && . ~/.bash_profile && pip install pipenv

Pip Installation

In the terminal

  1. Cd into the root of your test project
  2. Run pip install api-automation-tools

Local Setup

In the terminal

  1. Fork and clone this repository
  2. Cd into the root of your test project
  3. Run pip install -e path_to_apiautomationtools



import apiautomationtools.helpers.dictionary_helpers as dh
import apiautomationtools.helpers.directory_helpers as dh
import apiautomationtools.helpers.json_helpers as js


This class setup creates boilerplate data directories for tests and credentials. The teardown performs validations and organizational restructuring on any test generated data.

import pytest
from apiautomationtools.pytest import ApiPytestHelper

class SomeBasePytest(ApiPytestHelper):

    def test_app(self, ...):

Requests with AIOHTTP or HTTPX

These classes wrap easy to use methods for making async requests. All the standard requests request arguments are still applicable. As requests are completed, their data is saved in two csv files. One csv file contains the actual data sent, while the other contains a scrubbed set of data. The scrubbed csv file can be stored and used for reference validation of subsequent runs.

from apiautomationtools.client import AsyncRequests, HttpxRequests

aiohttp_requests = AsyncRequests()
httpx_requests = HttpxRequests()

batch = {'method': 'get', 'headers': {...}, 'url': '...', ...any classic requests arguments}
response = aiohttp_requests.request(batch)
response = httpx_requests.request(batch)


batch = [{'method': 'get', ...}, ...]
responses = aiohttp_requests.request(batch)
responses = httpx_requests.request(batch)


batch = generate_batch("get", {...}, "")
response = aiohttp_requests.request(batch)
response = httpx_requests.request(batch)

Note: You can indicate where the batch generator will start looking for path parameters by placing
      a semicolon (;) where the path parameters start e.g.;/param/value.


This class performs a difference between scrubbed csv files of the stored and live data generated from the responses of the request method. Any mismatches can be raised as errors.

from apiautomationtools.validations import Validations

validations = Validations()
mismatches = validations.validate_references()
mismatches = validations.validate_references(actual_refs={...})
mismatches => [{'keys': ..., 'actual_refs': {...}, 'expected_refs': {...}, 'unscrubbed_refs': {...}}, ...]


An example of a test illustrating single and batch style requests -

An example of a base class showing setups and teardowns -

An example of the csv report file generated from running the test - get_example.csv

An example of the scrubbed csv report file generated from running the test - get_example_scrubbed.csv

An example of the log file generated from running the test - get_example.log

An example of the error csv report file generated from running the test - get_example_errors.csv

Directory structure

This package requires the following base structure for the project.

├── credentials                         # Optional - credentials
│   └── credentials.json                # Optional - credentials as json
├── tests                               # Required - test files
│   ├── data                            # Optional - test data
│   │   └── data.json                   # Optional - test data as json
│   └──                    # Required - pytest test
└── validations                         # Optional - validation data
    └── file.json                       # Optional - validation data as json (The validation file's are scrubbed files 
                                                     autogenerated from test runs. However, the validation files 
                                                     organizational structure much match the structure of the test 
                                                     files in the tests directory.)


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