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import 'ponder' from 'ponder';

await ponder.config({ host, port, db, user, password }).connect();

Ponder API

config({ host, port, db, user, password })

Allows you to define your RethinkDB configuration.


Connects to RethinkDB using the configuration set in config.


Executes a RethinkDB query.


Closes the connection made to RethinkDB made with connect.


Registers the Model class with ponder.


Ensures that the database set in config exists. (If it doesn't exist, it will be created.)


The way to interact with a RethinkDB table is through a Model. A Model REQUIRES a schema, which defines the data on the table. A Model can also have index and relationship definitions.

import { Model, Point } from 'ponder';

class User extends Model {
  static schema = {
    name: String,
    age: Number,
    email: String,
    friends: [String],
    location: Point

  static indexes = [{
    index: 'name'
  }, {
    index: ['name', 'email']
  }, {
    index: 'friends',
    multi: true
  }, {
    index: 'location',
    geo: true


A schema defines the data (and data types) on the Model.

static schema = {
  name: String,
  age: Number,
  email: String,
  friends: [String],
  location: Point


A model has indexes, which is an array of RethinkDB secondary indexes.

// simple, compound, multi and geo respectively

static indexes = [{
  index: 'name'
}, {
  index: ['name', 'email']
}, {
  index: 'friends',
  multi: true
}, {
  index: 'location',
  geo: true

hasMany Relation

A Model can have a hasMany relationship with another Model definition. In this case, an Organization hasMany User models.

class Organization extends Model {
  static schema = {
    name: String

  static relations = {
    hasMany: {
      users: {
        model: 'User',
        primaryKey: 'email'

hasOne Relation

A Model can also have a hasOne relationship with another Model definition. Here, the Organization only hasOne CEO User.

class Organization extends Model {
  static schema = {
    name: String

  static relations = {
    hasOne: {
      ceo: {
        model: 'User',
        primaryKey: 'email'

Model Instance

The majority of cases, you will interact with a Model and its underlying data through a Model instance. Here we are creating a new Model of a User and saving it to RethinkDB.

const user = new User({
  name: 'Jackson',
  age: 23,
  email: '',
  friends: ['Ralph', 'Nik'],
  location: Point(43.16, 77.61)


You will also receive Model instances when querying. In this case, myUserModel is an instance of a User Model.

const [myUserModel] = User.getAll('Jackson', { index: 'name' }).run();


const byIndex = await User.getAll('Jackson', { index: 'name' }).run()

const byFilter = await User.filter({ 'email': '' }).run();

await User.get('146f1341-bda1-4698-8f77-6734f858cca6').update({ friends: ['Ralph', 'Nik', 'Martin']}).run();


Needs a locally running instance of RethinkDB for tests.

npm run test


  • Setup
    • Create database
    • Create tables
    • Ensure indexes
      • Single
      • Compound
      • Multi
      • Geo
    • connection management API
  • Schema
    • Type validation
    • Define indexes
    • Define relations without race conditions
      • hasOne
      • hasMany
      • two way hasMany (aka, manyToMany) requiring join table
    • Populating relations (aka, getJoin)
      • hasOne
        • single level
        • multi level
      • hasMany
        • single level
        • multi level
      • tap API allowing you to take control of the relation ReQL
      • API to allow you to choose which relations get loaded
    • Define virtuals
  • Models
    • ReQL proxying
    • Static methods
    • Instance methods
    • Saving
      • Inserting
      • Updating
        • Track updated properties
    • Deleting
    • Unique properties via lookup table
    • Pre/Post hooks
      • Include old version in hooks
  • Cursors
    • Return model instances
  • Changefeeds
    • Emit model instances
    • Automatic diffing with id
    • Ability to get old value
  • Mixins
    • Support
      • Model.with API
      • Recursive schema augmenting
      • Query tapping
        • injectFilter
    • SoftDelete
    • Changelog
    • Timestamp


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