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Documentation: Portfolio Website


This documentation outlines the process of creating a portfolio website using the VS Code editor and deploying it using GitHub Pages. By following these steps, you will be able to create a professional portfolio to showcase your work and projects.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  1. VS Code Editor: Download and install Visual Studio Code from

  2. GitHub Account: Create an account on GitHub if you don't have one already. You can sign up at

  3. Basic HTML/CSS and JavaScript Knowledge: Familiarity with HTML&CSS and Jvascript will be helpful in customizing your portfolio website.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Project

  1. Open VS Code and create a new folder for your project. You can do this by selecting File > New Folder from the menu.

  2. Inside the new folder, create an index.html file. This will be the main file for your portfolio website.

  3. Create additional HTML&CSS files for different sections or styles of your portfolio.

  4. Create additional JavaScript file for Structure of your portfolio.

Step 2: Designing Your Portfolio

  1. Open the index.html file in VS Code.

  2. Begin designing your portfolio by adding HTML code for different sections such as About Me, Projects, Skills, etc.

  3. Use CSS to style your portfolio and make it visually appealing. You can either write CSS directly in the HTML file using <style> tags or link an external CSS file.

  4. Use JavaScript to structure your portfolio and make it visually appealing. You can either write Jvascript directly in the file using <script.js>

  5. Preview your portfolio in the browser by right-clicking on the index.html file in VS Code and selecting Open with Live Server if you have the Live Server extension installed. Otherwise, you can open the file directly in your browser.

Step 3: Setting Up GitHub Repository

  1. Log in to your GitHub account and create a new repository by clicking on the "+" sign in the top right corner and selecting New repository.

  2. Choose a name for your repository, e.g., This is important as GitHub Pages requires the repository name to follow this format for automatic deployment.

  3. Initialize the repository with a README file if you wish.

  4. Click on Create repository.

Step 4: Deploying to GitHub Pages

  1. Go back to your VS Code editor and open a terminal.

  2. Navigate to your project directory using the cd command.

  3. Initialize Git in your project folder by running:

    git init

  4. Add your files to the Git repository and commit them:

    git add . git commit -m "Initial commit"

  5. Link your local repository to the GitHub repository you created earlier:

    git remote add origin

  6. Push your code to GitHub:

    git push -u origin master

  7. Once your code is pushed to GitHub, go to your repository's settings.

  8. Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section.

  9. Under "Source", select master branch and then click Save.

  10. Your portfolio website should now be accessible at

Congratulations! You have successfully created a portfolio website using the VS Code editor and deployed it using GitHub Pages. You can further customize and update your portfolio as needed by making changes to your local files and pushing them to your GitHub repository.