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User Guide

keithgrimes edited this page Feb 15, 2019 · 7 revisions

When configured the module provides the user (Rambler) the ability to chose a selection of walks from a group programme and download these walks to the users local calendar software.

Walks can be filtered by:

  • Date Range
  • Length of Walk
  • Grade of Walk
  • Day of Week.

User Interface

By default options selected will choose the widest selection of walks; consequently the display provided to the user will be minimal. See below for the default view (if only one group is configured then the group list will not be displayed):

On selecting the 'Click Here' button then a file is created and downloaded to the client.

Most machines will provide the option to import the Calendar entries into the local calendar. It should be noted that due to the combinations of operating systems and calendar programs not all combinations have been tested. A known issue exists where this does not work when using Google Chrome on iOS (iPad, iPhone). Please use Safari instead.

The user has the ability to filter the walks selected by clicking on the 'More Options' link. In selecting this the following is displayed.

As can be seen a date range can be provided. On placing the cursor within the date field the user will be provided with a calendar from which a date can more easily be selected. In the event that a date is typed it must be provided in the format dd/mm/yyyy.

Below this a selection of days and grades can be made and finally a range of walking distance permitting the user to ensure walks are not too long or short.

Once the desired options are selected, clicking the button to download the walks will commence the process.

Please note what happens next to import the entries into the local calendar is dependent upon the computer, browser and operating system used.

On completion the following box will be displayed