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100 Days Of Ruby

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What is this?

100 Days Of Ruby is inspired in #100DaysOfCode initiative, where I learn something new about Ruby every day during 100 days.


These examples were compiled with Ruby 3.2.3. It is recommended to install this exactly version for a correct running.

Progress Table

Day Title
000 Introduction and setup
001 Learn About Input, Output And String
002 Learn About Numbers, Comparison Operators And make a simple Calculator by use of Methods
003 Learn About Arraya, Iterators, Branching And Make a Calculater by use of Branching
004 Learn About Dictionaries, Bcrypt, Basic of OOPs And Make Authanticater, hased password genrate and pincode finder
005 Learn About Module & Acess module in normal and in class and Make First Rails App
006 Learn About Version Control, Frontend, Deployment, CRUD & Scaffold genrater and make test version of Alpha Blog
007 Learn About tables migration, console and Add Alpha blog's Show and Create Action
008 Learn About Production deployment, install bootstrap and Update Alpha blog's delete, update action route
009 Update Alpha blog and clean code, Add footer
010 Learn About User validation, one to many association and use in Alpha Blog and add show writer name in blog
011 Learn About password digeste, downcase and apply in Alpha Blog app, build signup page controller and routes
012 Learn About Pagination, avatar and Add pagination(pagy), profile image and edit user info in Alpha Blog
013 Update in Alpha Blog:-Add login form, Add login,logout button and restrict with user, restrict action with user etc.
014 Update in Alpha Blog:- Restrict user's action in users & articles controller, Add Admin, Define Admin's action and some minor update
015 Update in Alpha Blog:- Add password conformation field, show password function, Add Category model with validation and unit test
016 Update in Alpha Blog:- Add Categories controller, Add create action & show action add their integration & create action test and Add form for create new categories, Add show(home) page for categories


This Repository of my 100DaysOfRuby challange







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