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postatum committed Dec 17, 2019
1 parent c5f0452 commit 02903b2
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Showing 9 changed files with 485 additions and 4 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion jvm/src/test/scala/webapi/GetDeclarationByNameTest.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class GetDeclarationByNameTest extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers {

test("Get declaration from OAS 2.0 Document") {
for {
model <- Oas20.parse("file://shared/src/test/resources/oas/api-with-types.json").asInternal
model <- Oas20.parse("file://shared/src/test/resources/oas20/api-with-types.json").asInternal
} yield {
assertDeclaration[NodeShape](model, "User")
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions jvm/src/test/scala/webapi/Oas20Test.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import org.scalatest.Assertions._

class Oas20Test extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers with WaitingFileReader {

private val validFilePath = "file://shared/src/test/resources/oas/api-with-types.json"
private val validFilePathYaml = "file://shared/src/test/resources/oas/api-with-types.yaml"
private val invalidFilePath = "file://shared/src/test/resources/oas/api-with-types-invalid.json"
private val validFilePath = "file://shared/src/test/resources/oas20/api-with-types.json"
private val validFilePathYaml = "file://shared/src/test/resources/oas20/api-with-types.yaml"
private val invalidFilePath = "file://shared/src/test/resources/oas20/api-with-types-invalid.json"
private val generatedJsonFilePath = s"${System.getProperty("")}/generated-oas20.json"
private val generatedYamlFilePath = s"${System.getProperty("")}/generated-oas20.yaml"
private val apiString: String =
Expand Down
321 changes: 321 additions & 0 deletions jvm/src/test/scala/webapi/Oas30Test.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
package webapi

import webapi.WebApiClientConverters._

import amf.client.model.domain.{WebApi}

import org.scalatest.{AsyncFunSuite, Matchers, Assertion}
import org.scalatest.Assertions._

class Oas30Test extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers with WaitingFileReader {

private val validFilePath = "file://shared/src/test/resources/oas30/api-with-types.json"
private val validFilePathYaml = "file://shared/src/test/resources/oas30/api-with-types.yaml"
private val invalidFilePath = "file://shared/src/test/resources/oas30/api-with-types-invalid.json"
private val generatedJsonFilePath = s"${System.getProperty("")}/generated-oas30.json"
private val generatedYamlFilePath = s"${System.getProperty("")}/generated-oas30.yaml"
private val apiString: String =
| "openapi": "3.0.0",
| "info": {
| "title": "API with Types",
| "version": ""
| },
| "paths": {
| "/users/{id}": {
| "get": {
| "operationId": "GET_users-id",
| "responses": {
| "200": {
| "description": "",
| "content": {
| "application/json": {
| "schema": {
| "$ref": "#/components/schemas/User"
| }
| }
| }
| }
| }
| },
| "parameters": [
| {
| "in": "path",
| "name": "id",
| "required": true,
| "schema": {
| "type": "string"
| }
| }
| ]
| }
| },
| "components": {
| "schemas": {
| "User": {
| "type": "object",
| "required": [
| "firstName",
| "lastName",
| "age"
| ],
| "properties": {
| "firstName": {
| "type": "string"
| },
| "lastName": {
| "type": "string"
| },
| "age": {
| "minimum": 0,
| "maximum": 99,
| "type": "integer"
| }
| }
| }
| }
| }
private val apiStringWithRef: String =
| "openapi": "3.0.0",
| "info": {
| "title": "API with Types",
| "version": ""
| },
| "paths": {
| "/users/{id}": {
| "get": {
| "operationId": "GET_users-id",
| "produces": [ "application/json" ],
| "responses": {
| "200": {
| "description": "",
| "content": {
| "null": {
| "schema": { "$ref": "cat-schema.json" }
| }
| }
| }
| }
| }
| }
| }
private val apiStringYaml: String =
"""openapi: 3.0.0
| title: API with Types
| version: ""
| "/users/{id}":
| get:
| operationId: GET_users-id
| responses:
| "200":
| description: ""
| content:
| application/json:
| schema:
| $ref: "#/components/schemas/User"
| parameters:
| - in: path
| name: id
| required: true
| schema:
| type: string
| schemas:
| User:
| type: object
| properties:
| firstName:
| type: string
| lastName:
| type: string
| age:
| minimum: 0
| maximum: 99
| type: integer
| required:
| - firstName
| - lastName
| - age""".stripMargin
private val apiStringYamlWithRef: String =
"""openapi: 3.0.0
| title: API with Types
| version: ""
| "/users/{id}":
| get:
| operationId: GET_users-id
| responses:
| "200":
| description: ""
| content:
| application/json:
| schema:
| $ref: cat-schema.yaml""".stripMargin

test("JSON string parsing with reference and baseUrl param") {
for {
unit <- Oas30.parse(
resolved <- Oas30.resolve(unit).asInternal
genStr <- Oas30.generateString(resolved).asInternal
} yield {
val doc = unit.asInstanceOf[WebApiDocument]
doc.location should be ("file://shared/src/test/resources/includes/api.json")
genStr should not include ("$ref")
genStr should include ("The cat's name")

test("JSON string parsing with reference and no baseUrl param") {
for {
unit <- Oas30.parse(apiStringWithRef).asInternal
resolved <- Oas30.resolve(unit).asInternal
genStr <- Oas30.generateString(resolved).asInternal
} yield {
val doc = unit.asInstanceOf[WebApiDocument]
doc.location should be ("")
genStr should not include ("$ref")
genStr should not include ("The cat's name")

test("JSON string parsing") {
for {
unit <- Oas30.parse(apiString).asInternal
} yield {

test("JSON file parsing") {
for {
unit <- Oas30.parse(validFilePath).asInternal
} yield {

test("JSON file generation") {
for {
unit <- Oas30.parse(apiString).asInternal
_ <- Oas30.generateFile(unit, s"file://${generatedJsonFilePath}").asInternal
} yield {
val genStr = waitAndRead(generatedJsonFilePath)
genStr should include ("schemas")
genStr should include ("/users/{id}")

test("JSON string generation") {
for {
unit <- Oas30.parse(apiString).asInternal
genStr <- Oas30.generateString(unit).asInternal
} yield {
genStr should include ("schemas")
genStr should include ("/users/{id}")

test("Validation") {
for {
unit <- Oas30.parse(invalidFilePath).asInternal
report <- Oas30.validate(unit).asInternal
} yield {
report.conforms should be (false)
report.results should have size 1

test("Resolution") {
for {
unit <- Oas30.parse(apiString).asInternal
resolved <- Oas30.resolve(unit).asInternal
genStr <- Oas30.generateString(resolved).asInternal
} yield {
genStr should not include ("$ref")
genStr should include ("firstName")
genStr should include ("schema")

test("YAML string parsing with reference and baseUrl param") {
for {
unit <- Oas30.parseYaml(
resolved <- Oas30.resolve(unit).asInternal
genStr <- Oas30.generateYamlString(resolved).asInternal
} yield {
val doc = unit.asInstanceOf[WebApiDocument]
doc.location should be ("file://shared/src/test/resources/includes/api.yaml")
genStr should not include ("$ref")
genStr should include ("The cat's name")

test("YAML string parsing with reference and no baseUrl param") {
for {
unit <- Oas30.parseYaml(apiStringWithRef).asInternal
resolved <- Oas30.resolve(unit).asInternal
genStr <- Oas30.generateYamlString(resolved).asInternal
} yield {
val doc = unit.asInstanceOf[WebApiDocument]
doc.location should be ("")
genStr should not include ("$ref")
genStr should not include ("The cat's name")

test("YAML string parsing") {
for {
unit <- Oas30.parseYaml(apiStringYaml).asInternal
} yield {

test("YAML file parsing") {
for {
unit <- Oas30.parseYaml(validFilePathYaml).asInternal
} yield {

test("YAML file generation") {
for {
unit <- Oas30.parseYaml(apiStringYaml).asInternal
_ <- Oas30.generateYamlFile(unit, s"file://${generatedYamlFilePath}").asInternal
} yield {
val genStr = waitAndRead(generatedYamlFilePath)
genStr should include ("title: API with Types")
genStr should include ("/users/{id}:")

test("YAML string generation") {
for {
unit <- Oas30.parseYaml(apiStringYaml).asInternal
genStr <- Oas30.generateYamlString(unit).asInternal
} yield {
genStr should include ("title: API with Types")
genStr should include ("/users/{id}:")

def assertApiParsed (unit: WebApiBaseUnit): Assertion = {
val doc = unit.asInstanceOf[WebApiDocument]
val api = doc.encodes.asInstanceOf[WebApi]
doc.declares should have size 1
api.endPoints should have size 1 should be ("API with Types")

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