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Ramon Tebar edited this page Aug 29, 2017 · 9 revisions


Welcome to the Dynamics Custom Emails Wiki!

Dynamics Custom Emails is an extension for Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) which gives you the ability to send emails from a process (e.g. workflow, action) based on an Email Template with dynamic fields (yes, unfortunately that is not an out-of-the-box feature yet!).


  • Send emails from a process (e.g. workflow, action) based on an Email Template with dynamic fields.

  • Email Templates for custom entities with dynamic fields.

  • Dynamics fields can contain any type of attribute (e.g. Text, Numeric, Lookup, DateTime, etc)

  • Lookup dynamics fields can have any level of relationship levels (e.g. Opportunity => Customer Contact => Parent Company)

  • Ability to apply formats on dynamic fields using ToString function (e.g. Money with 2 decimals, UK Date Time format)

  • Ability to reuse attachments from different templates (e.g. Two different emails with attachments will use the same physical file)

Reduce storage

Dynamics 365 (CRM) only allows to reuse attachments using bulk emails where files must be attached to the same template.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) supported deployments

  • Online
  • On-premise

Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) supported versions

  • Dynamics 365 (8.2) - Latest release available
  • CRM 2013, 2015, 2016


This extension is a simple Dynamics 365 (CRM) solution which can be installed following the standard import process. (See MSDN). The solutions have been released as unmanaged, so you can customise them or covert them to managed if you want. In the Releases section you will find basically two packages:

  • DXTools Custom Emails: main solution with all functionality
  • DXTools Custom Emails Sample: simple sample solution to show how to use the expected functionality

How to create your first email!

Learn step by step how to create and send your first custom email in the following section.


Learn how this utility has been developed in the Development page. This will also help you to work with the code and collaborate with this community project.

Quick Sample

See below a quick example to understand the potential of this utility.

Email Template

Email Template Image

Resultant Email

Resultant email generated by the workflow

Workflow sample

The below email was produced by the Dynamics workflow shown below. This workflow is part of the sample solution that you can also find in the available releases.

Dynamics Workflow

Sample Workflow

Custom Workflow Activity parameters

Sample Custom Workflow Activity