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Game name: Broccoli Defender: Rise of the blood sugar! (Picnic Wall Defender)

Class: PROG33921 Game Engineering Principles 1161_76003

Students: Andre Rampersad & Jason Cobbledick

In this game, all that stands between an innocent picnic and hordes of evil junk food is a lone broccoli warrior. He has one mission: HOLD. THE. LINE! Should any of the nasty junk food get into the basket, the innocent family is doomed to a life of heart disease and diabetes. Will you aid the broccoli warrior in his mission to keep the family healthy?

Start Menu/Pause Menu Click on new game to start a new one. Click on exit to exit the game. Click on Resume to pick up where you left off in the game.

Main game.

Press a to move left and d to move right, there is no up or down movement. Press space to fire a green pea (missile). Press g at any point to enter god mode, where you are immune to any damage. Outside of god mode, you have 3 lives, which if the enemy reaches your defensive line, you will lose one. Lose all 3 and it's game over.

Your current score is shown in the debug log, along with the status of your bombs and health restores. There are three enemy types in the game. Burgers are worth 500 points, and take 2 shots to go down. Donuts are worth 1000 points, take 3 hits to go down and move twice as fast as burgers. They appear after scoring 1000 points. Pop bottles (Coke bosses) are worth 2000 points, take 5 hits to go down and move twice as slow as burgers. They appear after scoring 2000 points Every 5000 points, you can press h to heal yourself once the prompt on the debug log appears. Every 10000 points, you can press b to blow up a number of enemies on the screen once the prompt on the debug log appears. Press r to reset the game without going back to the main menu. This will respawn a new player character with full health, and reset the score to 0. Press esc to pause the game and take you to the main menu.


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