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grpc with java server

About the project

This is java implementation of the grpc server, It has services defined in resource/proto files based on that client side code will be generated

Steps to build the project

  • clone the project and import as maven project in eclipse or intelij mvn clean install
  • start the server by runing the GRPCServer in server package
  • right click on pom.xml and then run the default profile, that will generate the stubs if not already generated
  • Use the rpc Boom to call the services, You have to import the protobuff files from the src/main/resources
  • You can use the grpc_java_client to call the services buy passing the protobuff files.

Defining a proto file

syntax = "proto3";

option java_package = "patientProto";

service PatientService{
	rpc getPatient(PatientRequest) returns (PatientResponse);
	rpc addPatient(Patient) returns (AddDeletePatientResponse);
	rpc deletePatient(Patient) returns (AddDeletePatientResponse);
	rpc getAllPatients(EmptyResponse) returns (PatientResponse);

message PatientRequest{
	int32 identifier = 1;
	string name = 2;

message PatientResponse{
 repeated Patient patient = 1;

enum Gender{
	MALE = 0;
	FEMALE = 1;
enum MaritalStatus{

message Patient{
	int32 identifier = 1;
	string name = 2;
	Gender gender = 3;
	bool active = 4;
	string address = 5;
	MaritalStatus maritalStatus = 6;
    string link = 7;
    repeated string language = 8;
    repeated Provider careProvider = 9;
    string managingOrganization = 10;
    repeated Contact guardian = 11;

message Provider{
	string name = 1;
	int32 identifier = 2;
	int32 tin = 3;


message Contact{
	string name = 1;
	string relationWithPatient = 2;
	string cotactDetails = 3;

message AddDeletePatientResponse{
	string successMessage = 1;
	string errorMessage = 2;
	int32 statusCode = 3;


message EmptyResponse{


Implementing a Service

  • First you service class should extends PatientServiceImplBase which you should get when you would have build the project for proto file
  • You should implement the unimplemented methods in the service and provide the custom implementation of that
public class PatientService extends PatientServiceImplBase {
	private static Map<Integer,Patient> map = new HashMap<>();
	public void getPatient(PatientRequest request,
	       StreamObserver<PatientServiceOuterClass.PatientResponse> responseObserver ) {
		PatientResponse.Builder response  = PatientResponse.newBuilder();
		Patient patient = map.get(request.getIdentifier());
		if(patient!=null) {
			response.addPatient(0, patient);
	public void addPatient(Patient request,
	        StreamObserver<AddDeletePatientResponse> responseObserver) {
		   map.put(request.getIdentifier(), request);
		   System.out.println("Got the call from client inside addPatient method with input: "+request);
		   System.out.println("map size is : "+map.size());
		   System.out.println("map is : "+map.toString());
		   AddDeletePatientResponse.Builder  response = AddDeletePatientResponse.newBuilder();
		   response.setSuccessMessage("Successfully added the patient with name : "+request.getName()+" and id : "+request.getIdentifier());

Define a server in GRPC

Server server = ServerBuilder.forPort(9094)
				.addService(new PatientService())

Now you can start the server and call it from the client.


Please raise an issue if you find anything which is not working or want unimplemented functionality.
