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Md Ali Ahsan Rana edited this page Aug 22, 2014 · 5 revisions


You can build this project automatically ready for *nix based system using a simple makefile given below, which will run all commands in order for you.

name: makefile

.PHONY: all update-repo dependency-install unit-tests file-permission

all: update-repo dependency-install unit-tests file-permission

	git reset --hard
	git pull origin master

	/usr/local/bin/composer install
        /usr/local/bin/bower install

        vendor/bin/doctrine orm:generate:proxies


        mkdir -p application/logs
        mkdir -p application/cache
        mkdir -p application/models/proxies
	chmod 777 application/logs
	chmod 777 application/cache
	chmod 777 application/models/proxies

if you don't have any knowledge about makefile, you can consider reading this article on building php application using makefile

Remote Deployment Script:

If you have your project hosted on a remote repository(github/bitbucket), then you can easily implement automated deployment process on push hook event. Put the following file on your project root with web server user has execution access to it and point to it from hook settings. See the magic!

name: deploy.php

echo shell_exec("make >application/logs/deploy.log 2>&1 </dev/null &");
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