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How to run multiple user docker daemons

niusmallnan edited this page Dec 19, 2018 · 16 revisions


Term Definition
Dind Docker in docker, this is the key to our realization of this feature.
User docker, UD The user-docker on RancherOS
Other user docker, OUD The other user-docker daemons we create, these user-docker daemons are Dind mode

Solution Overview

Introduce some CLIs to allow users to create OUDs.

Rancher1.6 server and rancher-agent can work on user-docker and dind container.


UD still runs in the console container, OUD runs on system-docker. Each OUD is a container, and has standclone fs and namespace. Users can access each OUD in the console container.

|                 docker.sock               |
|  +------UD------+   |   +--------------+  |
|  |  console     ----+---> OUD container|  |
|  |  container   |   |   +--------------+  |
|  +--------------+   |   +--------------+  |
|                     +---> OUD container|  |
|                         +--------------+  |
|  +-------------------------------------+  |
|  |              +--------------+       |  |
|  | ROOTFS       | system-docker|       |  |
|  |              +--------------+       |  | 
|  +-------------------------------------+  |
|                                           |

How to run

Download ISO and install

Users can download the ISO here.

If users want to use it on AWS, they should boot a VM with RancherOS1.4 and upgrade to a new version:

ros os upgrade -i niusmallnan/os:mud-3


Users must switch user-docker to 17.12.1 or earlier version.

ros engine switch docker-17.12.1-ce

Otherwise, it may get these error when creating an user-defined network on system-docker.

Error response from daemon: unable to insert jump to DOCKER-ISOLATION rule in FORWARD chain:  (iptables failed: iptables --wait -I FORWARD -j DOCKER-ISOLATION: iptables v1.6.0: Couldn't find target `DOCKER-ISOLATION'

Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
 (exit status 2))

Create an user-define network, need to use this network when creating an OUD:

system-docker network create --subnet= dind

Create OUD

Just use ros engine create. For the OUD image, currently only support docker 17.12.1 and 18.03.1.

ros engine create dind1 --network=dind --fixed-ip=

After the OUD service is created, users can query the OUD service as usual.

ros service list
disabled volume-efs
disabled volume-nfs
enabled  dind1

To make the dind1 service running, can use:

ros service up dind1

After the OUD service is started, users can interact with it as if they were using the docker command.

docker-dind1 ps -a

SSH into OUD container

User can specify an external ssh port with --ssh-port, and ssh keys with --authorized-keys. Both of them are optional.

ros engine create  -h
    --ssh-port value
    --authorized-keys value

For --authorized-keys, user needs to put the key file in one of the following directories:


We will generate a random password for each OUD container, which users can see in the container logs. This password is useful when the users do not set the keys.

system-docker logs dind1
chpasswd: password for 'root' changed
password: xCrw6fEG

Users can ssh into any OUD container like this:

system-docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                              COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                             NAMES
2ca07a25799b        rancher/os-dind:17.12.1          "docker-entrypoint..."   5 seconds ago       Up 3 seconds        2375/tcp,>22/tcp   dind1

ssh -p 34791 root@<host-external-ip>

ssh root@<OUD-container-ip>

Remove OUD

Just use ros engine rm:

ros engine rm dind1

Rancher1.6 setup

Run rancher/server with UD

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 8080:8080 rancher/server:stable

Run rancher/agent in OUD container

# exec into OUD container, also ssh
system-docker exec -it dind1 /bin/sh

# Add an agent to this rancher-server
# "-e CATTLE_CHECK_NAMESERVER=false" need to be added
docker run -e CATTLE_AGENT_IP="" -e CATTLE_CHECK_NAMESERVER=false --rm --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/lib/rancher:/var/lib/rancher rancher/agent:v1.2.10 http://<RancherOS-IPADDRESS>:8080/v1/scripts/xxxxxx


As Rancher uses the overlay network by default, only one RancherOS host can be used in one Env.


Please submit any bugs, issues for this feature to rancher/os, and add this label area/oud would be very friendly.