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Releases: ranisalt/node-argon2


10 Oct 21:39
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This patch should fix missing inttypes.h when installing on Windows.


01 Jun 04:21
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It is now not possible anymore to supply a custom salt as it opens a security breach. Library will automatically use cryptographically-safe crypto.randomBytes to generate salts.


11 Jan 05:19
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node-argon2 now has support for raw hashing (returns hex data instead of encoded pretty hash) and Typescript types. Also it's possible to configure output hash length via the hashLength option.

Additionally there are code improvements and the generated library should run faster and be smaller.


10 Sep 18:12
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Fixes compilation issue (#55, #56) and JS syntax on Node 4 (#54)

First release candidate for v1

01 Sep 23:40
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  • C++ code has been cleaned and module should cost less disk space now.
  • Optimized versions are only compiled on x86, since they need SSE2.
  • You can use any promise implementation with any-promise module.
  • Babel dependencies have been trimmed down if you use dev version.
  • Some minor changes that improve performance by up to 20%.

Argon2 v1.3 is out

07 Apr 15:51
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This version fixes the timeout bug that was breaking functionality with http-parser, used in virtually every single Node.js framework (Express, Koa, etc).

Also it is updated and uses Argon2 v1.3 for hashing, though it can verify older passwords with no hassle.

Oops, forgot to launch 0.8.0 on Github!

24 Feb 06:13
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v0.9.0 has a huge amount of improvements, but is still not the fully stable API.

  • Callback interface was completely removed in favor of Promises;
    Before the stable v1 release, the sync API will be removed too and you should use async/await
  • Salts now must be buffers, and converting from string will be removed in v0.10;
  • There was a fix on the salt behavior and it is not padded to 16 bytes anymore;
  • Salt length limit is completely removed;
    You can use krazy gigabyte salts, but remember you depend on system entropy to generate salts
  • General improvements to C++ code:
    • Code was split into header and source file
    • Always use auto and move construction
    • General fixes to reduce copying of variables
  • You can provide 'auto' to the parallelism option to detect the amount of CPUs in the system, but you will need the same amount (of threads) to verify it later!

Critical fix to salt generation

01 Feb 20:31
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Fixes a critical bug (#11) where generated salts were not well distributed. Read the issue for more info. All package users are recommended to upgrade ASAP, especially if (as per recommendation) using generated salts.


31 Jan 01:36
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Major bug fix release

  • Fixes building on 32 bit machines (thx @cgmb)
  • Sets error messages on failures according to Argon2 implementation
  • General fixes to options parsing
  • Allows to install outside git repositories
  • Benchmarks added (not available from npm)

This is probably the last unstable version before final 1.0.0, and I will test it on production for a while before releasing it stable.


14 Jan 05:14
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The old API was incorrectly calling hashing as encrypting. The new API uses hash, and you can just sed 's/encrypt/hash/' to fix.