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Holoborodko2008: Smooth noise-robust differentiators
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ranocha committed Mar 6, 2018
1 parent d6cde60 commit ec6fd8b
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Showing 3 changed files with 294 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/SummationByPartsOperators.jl
Expand Up @@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ export periodic_central_derivative_operator, periodic_derivative_operator, deriv
fourier_derivative_operator, spectral_viscosity_operator, super_spectral_viscosity_operator,

export Fornberg1998, Holoborodko2008, BeljaddLeFlochMishraParés2017
export MattssonNordström2004, MattssonSvärdNordström2004, MattssonSvärdShoeybi2008,
Mattsson2012, Mattsson2014,
MattssonAlmquistCarpenter2014Extended, MattssonAlmquistCarpenter2014Optimal
Expand Down
159 changes: 159 additions & 0 deletions src/periodic_operators.jl
Expand Up @@ -436,6 +436,146 @@ function periodic_derivative_coefficients(derivative_order, accuracy_order, left

Coefficients of the periodic operators given in
Holoborodko (2008)
Smooth Noise Robust Differentiators.
struct Holoborodko2008 <: SourceOfCoefficients end

function, ::Holoborodko2008)
" Holoborodko (2008) \n",
" Smooth Noise Robust Differentiators. \n",
" \n")

periodic_derivative_coefficients(source::Holoborodko2008, derivative_order, accuracy_order;
T=Float64, parallel=Val{:serial}(),
Create the `PeriodicDerivativeCoefficients` approximating the `derivative_order`-th
derivative with an order of accuracy `accuracy_order` and scalar type `T` given
by Holoborodko2008.
The evaluation of the derivative can be parallised using threads by chosing
function periodic_derivative_coefficients(source::Holoborodko2008, derivative_order, accuracy_order;
T=Float64, parallel=Val{:serial}(),
method_exists = true
if derivative_order == 1
if accuracy_order == 2
if stencil_width == 5
lower_coef = SVector{2, T}([
-2//8, -1//8
upper_coef = -lower_coef
central_coef = T(0)
elseif stencil_width == 7
lower_coef = SVector{3, T}([
-5//32, -4//32, -1//32
upper_coef = -lower_coef
central_coef = T(0)
elseif stencil_width == 9
lower_coef = SVector{4, T}([
-14//128, -14//128, -6//128, -1//128
upper_coef = -lower_coef
central_coef = T(0)
elseif stencil_width == 11
lower_coef = SVector{5, T}([
-42//512, -48//512, -27//512, -8//512, -1//512
upper_coef = -lower_coef
central_coef = T(0)
method_exists = false
elseif accuracy_order == 4
if stencil_width == 7
lower_coef = SVector{3, T}([
-39//96, -12//96, 5//96
upper_coef = -lower_coef
central_coef = T(0)
elseif stencil_width == 9
lower_coef = SVector{4, T}([
-27//96, -16//96, 1//96, 2//96
upper_coef = -lower_coef
central_coef = T(0)
elseif stencil_width == 11
lower_coef = SVector{5, T}([
-322//1536, -256//1536, -39//1536, 32//1536, 11//1536
upper_coef = -lower_coef
central_coef = T(0)
method_exists = false
method_exists = false
elseif derivative_order == 2
if accuracy_order == 2
if stencil_width == 5
lower_coef = SVector{2, T}([
0, 1//4
upper_coef = lower_coef
central_coef = T(-2//4)
elseif stencil_width == 7
lower_coef = SVector{3, T}([
-1//16, 2//16, 1//16
upper_coef = lower_coef
central_coef = T(-4//16)
elseif stencil_width == 9
lower_coef = SVector{4, T}([
-4//64, 4//64, 4//64, 1//64
upper_coef = lower_coef
central_coef = T(-10//64)
method_exists = false
elseif accuracy_order == 4
if stencil_width == 7
lower_coef = SVector{3, T}([
1//12, 5//12, -1//12
upper_coef = lower_coef
central_coef = T(-10//12)
elseif stencil_width == 9
lower_coef = SVector{4, T}([
-12//192, 52//192, 12//192, -7//192
upper_coef = lower_coef
central_coef = T(-90//192)
method_exists = false
method_exists = false
method_exists = false
if method_exists == false
throw(ArgumentError("Method with derivative_order=$derivative_order, accuracy_order=$accuracy_order, stencil_width=$stencil_width not implemented/derived."))

PeriodicDerivativeCoefficients(lower_coef, central_coef, upper_coef, parallel, derivative_order, accuracy_order, source)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -575,6 +715,25 @@ end
periodic_derivative_operator(derivative_order, accuracy_order, xmin, xmax, N, left_offset, parallel)

periodic_derivative_operator(source::Holoborodko2008, derivative_order, accuracy_order,
xmin, xmax, N; parallel=Val{:serial}(), kwargs...)
Create a `PeriodicDerivativeOperator` approximating the `derivative_order`-th
derivative on a uniform grid between `xmin` and `xmax` with `N` grid points up
to order of accuracy `accuracy_order` where the leftmost grid point used is
determined by `left_offset`.
The evaluation of the derivative can be parallised using threads by chosing
function periodic_derivative_operator(source::Holoborodko2008, derivative_order, accuracy_order,
xmin, xmax, N; parallel=Val{:serial}(), kwargs...)
grid = linspace(xmin, xmax, N) # N includes two identical boundary nodes
coefficients = periodic_derivative_coefficients(source, derivative_order, accuracy_order;
kwargs..., T=eltype(grid), parallel=parallel)
PeriodicDerivativeOperator(coefficients, grid)

periodic_derivative_operator(derivative_order, accuracy_order, grid, left_offset=-(accuracy_order+1)÷2, parallel=Val{:serial}())
Expand Down
134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions test/periodic_operators_test.jl
Expand Up @@ -654,3 +654,137 @@ let T = Float64
xplot, duplot = evaluate_coefficients(res, D)
@test maximum(abs, duplot-dufunc.(xplot)) < tol

# Robust methods of Holoborodko
let T = Float32
xmin = one(T)
xmax = 2*one(T)
N = 100
x1 = compute_coefficients(identity, periodic_derivative_operator(1, 2, xmin, xmax, N))

x0 = ones(x1)
x2 = x1 .* x1
x3 = x2 .* x1
x4 = x2 .* x2
x5 = x2 .* x3
x6 = x3 .* x3
x7 = x4 .* x3

res = zeros(x0)

# first derivative operators
der_order = 1
acc_order = 2
for stencil_width in 5:2:11
D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=stencil_width)
println(DevNull, D)
@test derivative_order(D) == der_order
@test accuracy_order(D) == acc_order
@test issymmetric(D) == false
A_mul_B!(res, D, x0)
@test all(i->abs(res[i]) < eps(T), stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
A_mul_B!(res, D, x1)
@test all(i->res[i] x0[i], stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
A_mul_B!(res, D, x2)
@test all(i->res[i] 2*x1[i], stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
@test_throws ArgumentError D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=3)
@test_throws ArgumentError D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=13)

acc_order = 4
for stencil_width in 7:2:11
D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=stencil_width)
println(DevNull, D)
@test derivative_order(D) == der_order
@test accuracy_order(D) == acc_order
@test issymmetric(D) == false
A_mul_B!(res, D, x0)
@test all(i->abs(res[i]) < 50*eps(T), stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
A_mul_B!(res, D, x1)
@test all(i->res[i] x0[i], stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
A_mul_B!(res, D, x2)
@test all(i->res[i] 2*x1[i], stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
A_mul_B!(res, D, x3)
@test all(i->res[i] 3*x2[i], stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
A_mul_B!(res, D, x4)
@test all(i->res[i] 4*x3[i], stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
@test_throws ArgumentError D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=5)
@test_throws ArgumentError D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=13)

acc_order = 6
@test_throws ArgumentError D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=9)
@test_throws ArgumentError D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=13)

# second derivative operators
der_order = 2
acc_order = 2
for stencil_width in 5:2:9
D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=stencil_width)
println(DevNull, D)
@test derivative_order(D) == der_order
@test accuracy_order(D) == acc_order
@test issymmetric(D) == true
A_mul_B!(res, D, x0)
@test all(i->abs(res[i]) < eps(T), stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
A_mul_B!(res, D, x1)
@test all(i->abs(res[i]) < 100N*eps(T), stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
A_mul_B!(res, D, x2)
@test all(i->isapprox(res[i], 2*x0[i], atol=600N*eps(T)), stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
A_mul_B!(res, D, x3)
@test all(i->isapprox(res[i], 6*x1[i], atol=2000N*eps(T)), stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
@test_throws ArgumentError D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=3)
@test_throws ArgumentError D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=11)

acc_order = 4
for stencil_width in 7:2:9
D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=stencil_width)
println(DevNull, D)
@test derivative_order(D) == der_order
@test accuracy_order(D) == acc_order
@test issymmetric(D) == true
A_mul_B!(res, D, x0)
@test all(i->abs(res[i]) < 50N*eps(T), stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
A_mul_B!(res, D, x1)
@test all(i->abs(res[i]) < 1000N*eps(T), stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
A_mul_B!(res, D, x2)
@test all(i->isapprox(res[i], 2*x0[i], atol=5000N*eps(T)), stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
A_mul_B!(res, D, x3)
@test all(i->isapprox(res[i], 6*x1[i], atol=5000N*eps(T)), stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
A_mul_B!(res, D, x4)
@test all(i->isapprox(res[i], 12*x2[i], atol=7000N*eps(T)), stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
A_mul_B!(res, D, x5)
@test any(i->!(res[i] 30*x3[i]), stencil_width:length(res)-stencil_width)
@test_throws ArgumentError D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=5)
@test_throws ArgumentError D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=11)

acc_order = 6
@test_throws ArgumentError D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=9)
@test_throws ArgumentError D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=13)

der_order = 3
acc_order = 2
@test_throws ArgumentError D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=5)
@test_throws ArgumentError D = periodic_derivative_operator(Holoborodko2008(), der_order, acc_order,
xmin, xmax, N, stencil_width=13)

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