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raphw committed Aug 31, 2016
1 parent c538a5e commit 06df257
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Showing 10 changed files with 379 additions and 35 deletions.
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import java.util.Iterator;

* An abstract base class for a user configuration implying a class path.
public class AbstractUserConfiguration {

* The class to use for this configuration path or {@code null} if no class path is specified.
private Iterable<File> classPath;

* Returns the class path or builds a class path from the supplied arguments if no class path was set.
* @param root The root directory of the project being built.
* @param classPath The class path dependencies.
* @return An iterable of all elements of the class path to be used.
public Iterable<? extends File> getClassPath(File root, Iterable<? extends File> classPath) {
return this.classPath == null
? new PrefixIterable(root, classPath)
: this.classPath;

* Sets the class path to use for this configuration.
* @param classPath The class path to use.
public void setClassPath(Iterable<File> classPath) {
this.classPath = classPath;

* An iterable with a single {@link File} element prepended.
protected static class PrefixIterable implements Iterable<File> {

* The prefixed file.
private final File file;

* The iterable containing the reminder files.
private final Iterable<? extends File> files;

public PrefixIterable(File file, Iterable<? extends File> files) {
* @param file The prefixed file.
* @param files The iterable containing the reminder files.
protected PrefixIterable(File file, Iterable<? extends File> files) {
this.file = file;
this.files = files;
Expand All @@ -33,15 +64,56 @@ public Iterator<File> iterator() {
return new PrefixIterator(file, files.iterator());

public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (this == object) return true;
if (object == null || getClass() != object.getClass()) return false;
PrefixIterable files1 = (PrefixIterable) object;
return file.equals(files1.file) && files.equals(files1.files);

public int hashCode() {
int result = file.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + files.hashCode();
return result;

public String toString() {
return "AbstractUserConfiguration.PrefixIterable{" +
"file=" + file +
", files=" + files +

* An iterator with a single prefixed file.
protected static class PrefixIterator implements Iterator<File> {

* The file being prefixed.
private final File file;

* An iterator over the reminind files.
private final Iterator<? extends File> files;

* {@code true} if the prefix was not yet returned from the iteration.
private boolean first;

public PrefixIterator(File file, Iterator<? extends File> files) {
* Creates a prefix iterator.
* @param file The file being prefixed.
* @param files An iterator over the reminind files.
protected PrefixIterator(File file, Iterator<? extends File> files) {
this.file = file;
this.files = files;
first = true;
Expand All @@ -64,7 +136,16 @@ public File next() {

public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot remove from iterator");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot remove file from iterator");

public String toString() {
return "AbstractUserConfiguration.PrefixIterable.PrefixIterator{" +
"file=" + file +
", files=" + files +
", first=" + first +
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@@ -1,66 +1,162 @@

import groovy.lang.Closure;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.inline.MethodNameTransformer;
import org.gradle.api.GradleException;
import org.gradle.api.Project;
import org.gradle.api.Task;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

* Representation of a Gradle configuration for Byte Buddy.
public class ByteBuddyExtension {

* The current project.
private final Project project;

private List<Transformation> transformations;
* A list of registered transformations.
private final List<Transformation> transformations;

* The initialization or {@code null} if no initialization was defined by a user.
private Initialization initialization;

* The suffix to use for rebased methods or {@code null} if a random suffix should be used.
private String suffix;

* {@code true} if the plugin should fail upon discovering a live runtime initializer.
private boolean failOnLiveInitializer;

private List<String> tasks;

* Creates a new Byte Buddy extension.
* @param project The current project.
public ByteBuddyExtension(Project project) {
this.project = project;
transformations = new ArrayList<Transformation>();
failOnLiveInitializer = true;

public Transformation transformation(Closure<?> closure) {
* Adds a transformation to apply.
* @param closure The closure for configuring the transformation.
public void transformation(Closure<?> closure) {
Transformation transformation = (Transformation) project.configure(new Transformation(), closure);
return transformation;

public Initialization initialization(Closure<?> closure) {
* Adds an initialization to apply.
* @param closure The closure for configuring the initialization.
public void initialization(Closure<?> closure) {
if (initialization != null) {
throw new GradleException("Initialization is already set");
Initialization initialization = (Initialization) project.configure(new Initialization(), closure);
this.initialization = initialization;
return initialization;
initialization = (Initialization) project.configure(new Initialization(), closure);

* Returns a list of transformations to apply.
* @return A list of transformations to apply.
public List<Transformation> getTransformations() {
return transformations;

* Returns the initialization to use.
* @return The initialization to use.
public Initialization getInitialization() {
return initialization == null ? Initialization.makeDefault() : initialization;
return initialization == null
? Initialization.makeDefault()
: initialization;

public String getSuffix() {
return suffix;
* Returns the method name transformer to use.
* @return The method name transformer to use.
public MethodNameTransformer getMethodNameTransformer() {
return suffix == null || suffix.isEmpty()
? MethodNameTransformer.Suffixing.withRandomSuffix()
: new MethodNameTransformer.Suffixing(suffix);

* Sets the suffix to apply upon rebased methods.
* @param suffix The suffix to apply upon rebased methods.
public void setSuffix(String suffix) {
this.suffix = suffix;

* Returns {@code true} if the build should fail upon discovering a live runtime initializer.
* @return {@code true} if the build should fail upon discovering a live runtime initializer.
public boolean isFailOnLiveInitializer() {
return failOnLiveInitializer;

* Determines if the build should fail upon discovering a live runtime initializer.
* @param failOnLiveInitializer {@code true} if the build should fail upon discovering a live runtime initializer.
public void setFailOnLiveInitializer(boolean failOnLiveInitializer) {
this.failOnLiveInitializer = failOnLiveInitializer;

* Sets the initialization that should be used.
* @param initialization The initialization to be used.
public void setInitialization(Initialization initialization) {
this.initialization = initialization;

* Determines if a task is subject to transformation.
* @param task The task to consider.
* @return {@code true} if this task should be followed up by a transformation.
public boolean implies(Task task) {
return tasks == null || tasks.contains(task.getName());

* Sets an explicit list of tasks for which a transformation should be applied.
* @param tasks The tasks to explicitly append a transformation to.
public void setTasks(List<String> tasks) {
this.tasks = tasks;
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import org.gradle.api.Project;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.AbstractCompile;

* A Byte Buddy plugin that appends transformations to all compilation tasks.
public class ByteBuddyPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {

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