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Implementation of BFS, DFS, USC and A-Star for Pacman food grid search.

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CS5100 - AI - Project 1 - Search

by Rahul Thomas.

Problem 1 - 4 : Search

General Graph Search Algorithm:

The problems 1 through 4 employ the same process of searching the graph, except using a different type of fringe.

  • DFS - Stack
  • BFS - Queue
  • UCS - PriorityQueueWithFunction
  • A* Search - PriorityQueueWithFunction

The general graph search flowchart is shown below: picture alt


Note : Prior to the process depicted in the flow chart, the starting state is pushed onto the fringe using the function start_state = problem.getStartState(). The element actually pushed onto the fringe is modified as follows:

state = ((start_state, 'Start', 0), 'Root')

We also make use of the following Data Structures in the graph Search.

  1. parent - Dictionary. [Key -> Current State, Value -> (Parent State, Action)]
  2. visited - List. [List of visited States.]
  3. path - List. [List of actions taken to reach the goal from start state.]
  4. fringe - The data structure passed into the search procedure. [Determines the type of search]

Fringe Content : Although the type of fringe is passed into this function, we manage what we put on the fringe. We construct a special tuple that we push/pop onto/from the fringe. Lets consider the element on the fringe as u.

u = ((current_state, action, cumulative_cost), parent_state)


Element Slice Relevance
u[0][0] current_state
u[0][1] action taken to get to current_state
u[0][2] cumulative_cost
u[1] parent_state

Process Flow :

  • First the Fringe is checked if its empty. If the fringe is empty, it indicates no path was found and the function returns an empty list.
  • The first state is popped from the fringe.
  • We check if this state has already been visited.
    • If the state has already been visited, continue is invoked and the empty check is performed on the fringe.
  • Else, the parent of this current node is set in the parent dictionary along with the action taken on the parent to reach the current node. parent[current_state] = (parent_state, action)
  • We now mark this state as Visited by adding it into the visited List.
  • Next we perform the Goal Test by invoking the function problem.isGoalState(current_state) on the current state.
    • If the current state is the goal, then we reconstruct the path by calling the reconstruct_path(parent, goal_state) : List[actions] function that we defined. Now the program terminates after returning the list of actions.
  • If the goal is not reached, loop through the neighbours of the state, and push all the non-visited neighbour_states on to the fringe.
  • The step costs of the neighbours pushed onto the fringe is the cumulative cost of the current cumulative costs of parent + step_cost from parent to neighbour
  • After this the control goes back to the Empty Check on the fringe.

Reconstruction of Path :

Signature of the function is :

reconstruct_path(parent, goal_state) : List[actions]
  • The inputs are the parent dictionary and the goal state.
  • The output is a list of actions from the start state to the goal state.
  • The function creates a list by tracing the previous states along the path from the goal state to the start state.
  • Finally this list is reversed to get it in the order from Start to Goal State.

Cost for UCS and A* :

  • For UCS, the cumulative cost is given by the u[0][2] slice of the element on the fringe. Given a state, we deduce this using the following code snippet.
cumulative_cost = lambda x : x[0][2]
  • For A*, we use the same formula as above but we add the heuristic cost,
total_cost = lambda x : x[0][2] + heuristic(x[0][0], problem)

Problem 8 : Suboptimal Search

findPathToClosestDot :
  • Uses BFS to find the path to the closest food. Since BFS always finds the shortest number of steps to the food, we employ BFS as our search Strategy.
AnyFoodSearchProblem.isGoalState :
  • Since we want the shortest path to any food, we check if the give state is a food or not, by cross referencing the problem's boolean food list.[x][y]

Problem 5 : Finding Corners

Defining the problem :

The Main task is to give our definition of the problem. We deal with the CornersProblem Class. We define the working of three functions:

  • getStartState()
  • isGoalState(state)
  • getSuccessors(state)


The state in the corners problem is defined as a tuple containing the pacman position and the tuple of visited corners.

state = (self.startingPosition, ())
  • self.startingPosition --> Starting position of Pacman
  • () --> Empty tuple of visited corners. [initially empty]
getStartState() :

This method just returns the state as mentioned previously with an empty tuple of visited corners.

isGoalState(state) :

This method checks if the length of the visited corner tuple. The goal is achieved when we the length equals the number of corners in the problem.

len(visited_corners) == len(self.corners)
getSuccessors(state) :

General Flow Chart of the logic is below: picture alt

  • For all Possible actions for a give state(Up, Down, Left, Right), we check those positions which are not walls.
  • If the resulting position is a corner, we check if it is already visited.
  • If it is an unvisited goal, we add it to the list of visited goals.
  • We then use the successor position and this visited goal list to construct the successor state.
successor_state = (successor_location, goals_visited)
  • We append this list to the list of successors.
  • We return this list of successors.

Problem 6 : Corner Heuristic

Strategy :

  • We calculate the length from pacman to the nearest unvisited corner, l1.
  • From there we keep adding the distances to the nearest remaining corners, l2, l3, etc.

Note :

  • We do not check distances to a corner that we have already visited.
  • We use Manhattan Distances(i.e. No Diagonal Movement).

So, if we haven't visited any corner yet,

h(n) = l1 + l2 + l3 + l4

This is demonstrated in the below gif:

picture alt

Problem 7 : Eat all Dots Heuristic

Strategy :

  • We find the furthest food from pacman.
  • We find the furthest food from the furthest food.
  • We find the distance between them, d1.
  • We now find the closest food to pacman and its distance, d2
h(n) = d1 + d2

Note :

  • This is if there are atleast 2 food in the map. If there is only one, we return the distance between pacman and that food.
  • Both distances d1 and d2 are found out using the function maze_distance()
maze_distance(point_a, point_b, walls) :
  • Maze distance uses a custom class TestGameState to simulate an artifical problem, PositionSearchProblem, where the pacman starting position is point_a and the goal state is point_b.
  • This function then returns the length of the BFS solution path to that simulated problem.

This is a custom class, that uses the walls of the problem to create a stripped down version of the GameState. Below is the class definition :

from pacman import GameState
class TestGameState(GameState):
    def __init__(self, walls, start, food=None):
        self.walls = walls
        if food != None: = food
        self.num_food = 1
        self.pacman_position = start
    def getWalls(self):
        return self.walls
    def getPacmanPosition(self):
        return self.pacman_position
    def getNumFood(self):
        return 1
    def hasFood(self, x, y):
        return False


Implementation of BFS, DFS, USC and A-Star for Pacman food grid search.







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