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A chain for RPTR (Raptor Token), but still under development !!!

State of development

What works ?

  • Transfers (raptorchain address to another raptorchain address)
  • Using BEP20 tokens on RPTR testnet AND mainnet
  • cross-chain abilities with BSC, Polygon and Fantom
  • Multi-asset bridge (transfer any BEP20 between raptorchain and bsc)
  • EVM (ability to run smart contracts)

Wanna try it ?


Web3/Metamask RPC :

chainID (hex format) : 0x7452505452

chainID (in decimal format) : 499597202514

ticker : tRPTR

explorer :

If you wanna try it for free, feel free to claim some coins on faucet

Mainnet Beta

Web3/Metamask RPC :

chainID (hex format) : 0x52505452

chainID (in decimal format) : 1380996178

ticker : RPTR

explorer :

Installing RaptorChain

Linux users feel free to check it out here And here's the tutorial for windows users.

RPC documentation

Feel free to check RPC documentation in docs/

Note about Defi apps and WETH

If you wanna deploy DeFi apps (like swap routers), please note that WRPTR address is 0xeF7cADE66695f4cD8a535f7916fBF659936818C4 !

If you don't know what WETH is, feel free to check it out here !

Any question ?

If you have any question regarding raptorchain, please raise an issue (so it helps whole community since github issues are public) :D