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About Vibes

Vibes is a poetic response to doomscrolling. This browser extension (optimized for chrome), takes your browsing activity and runs it through a sentiment analysis library in order to tell you whether or not your content is affecting your mood. The piece serves as a commentary both on doomscrolling culture but also on affective computing and its touted accuracy/inaccuracy. The output is not always accurate and can often serve as a simplistic reflection on human culture and nuance.

Screenshot of Vibes


Clone the repo and install the dependencies using yarn.

git clone
cd Vibes/
yarn install


To develop locally, a dist folder is created and the src/manifest.json is copied over, in addition to other files in the src folder.

yarn dev


To build the library, the dist folder is cleaned before the project is built. Building for production excludes the src/tests/ folder and minifies the final output.

yarn build

Previewing the Extension in Chrome

  1. Run the yarn build command

The dist folder should be generated and contain the files required for loading an unpacked extension.

  1. Navigate to chrome://extensions/

  2. Click "Load unpacked" and select the dist folder

The extension should appear as a new card.

  1. In the extension card, click "background page" to open a Chrome developer console for the extension. Click on a different Chrome tab; the extension should be run and you should see the output in the developer console.


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