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Rarukas (remote-arukas)

Go Report Card Build Status

rarukas is CLI for running one-off command(s) on Arukas.



rarukas performs the following processes to execute one-off commands on Arukas.

  • Generate key-pair for SSH public key authentication
    (generate only when key-pair is not specified)
  • Create containers with SSH server enabled on Arukas
  • Upload local file(s) to container's workdir using SCP
    (upload only when specified file(s))
  • Connect to container by SSH and execute specified command
  • Download container's workdir to local using SCP
  • Delete container

Installation and Usage


Running rarukas needs Arukas API keys.
You can generate them in Arukas user control panel.


Download latest rarukas binary from releases. And grant execute permission to rarukas like as chmod +x rarukas.

If you have golang develop environments, you can install using go get.

$ go get

For convenience in running rarukas, you can export API Keys above as environment variables:

$ export ARUKAS_JSON_API_TOKEN=<your-api-token>
$ export ARUKAS_JSON_API_SECRET=<your-api-secret>


To execute a single command, execute as follows:

$ rarukas curl -L

To execute command using single script file, execute as follows:

# script file
$ cat

echo "running command on Arukas!"

# execute command using script file
$ rarukas -c

To execute command with synchronizing local files(directories), execute as follows:

# Directory to synchronize with container's workdir
$ tree work/

$ cat work/

echo "Running on container" > result.txt


# Execute command.
# Before executing command, "work" dir is uploaded to the container
# After executing command, download the container's workdir to local "work" dir

$ rarukas --sync-dir work "bash"

# Finally, files created on the container are downloaded in "work" directory
$ tree work/
tree work/
├── result.txt  # Added


$ rarukas --help

     rarukas - CLI for running one-off commands on Arukas
     rarukas [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
     0.0.1, build xxxxxx
     help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command
     --token value                      API Token of Arukas (default: "") [$ARUKAS_JSON_API_TOKEN]
     --secret value                     API Secret of Arukas (default: "") [$ARUKAS_JSON_API_SECRET]
     --public-key value                 Public key for SSH auth. If empty, generate temporary key [$RARUKAS_PUBLIC_KEY]
     --private-key value                Private key for SSH auth. If empty, generate temporary key [$RARUKAS_PRIVATE_KEY]
     --arukas-name value, --name value  Name of Arukas app (default: "rarukas") [$ARUKAS_NAME]
     --arukas-plan value, --plan value  Plan of Arukas app [free/hobby/standard-1/standard-2] (default: "free") [$ARUKAS_PLAN]
     --image-type value, --type value   OS Type of Rarukas server base image [alpine/ansible/centos/debian/golang/node/php/python/python2/ruby/sacloud/ubuntu] (default: "alpine") [$RARUKAS_IMAGE_TYPE]
     --image-name value                 Name of Rarukas server base image. It must exist in DockerHub. Ignore image-type if it was specified [$RARUKAS_IMAGE_NAME]
     --command-file value, -c value     Script file to run on Arukas [$RARUKAS_COMMAND_FILE]
     --sync-dir value                   Directory to synchronize Arukas working directory [$RARUKAS_SYNC_DIR]
     --download-only                    Enable downloading only in synchronization with Arukas working directory (default: false) [$RARUKAS_DOWNLOAD_ONLY]
     --upload-only                      Enable uploading only in synchronization with Arukas working directory (default: false) [$RARUKAS_UPLOAD_ONLY]
     --boot-timeout value               Timeout duration when waiting for container be running (default: 10m0s) [$RARUKAS_BOOT_TIMEOUT]
     --exec-timeout value               Timeout duration when waiting for completion of command execution (default: 1h0m0s) [$RARUKAS_EXEC_TIMEOUT]
     --help, -h                         show help (default: false)
     --version, -v                      print the version (default: false)
     Copyright (C) 2018 Kazumichi Yamamoto.

Advanced Usage

Execute ansible

# prepare some files(inventory, keys, variables) for ansible
$ tree .
├── hosts    # inventory
└── test_key # private key 

# execute ansible
$ rarukas --type ansible --sync-dir . ansible all -i hosts -m ping

Execute with sacloud tools (ex. usacloud,terraform, and packer)


# execute usacloud(SAKURA Cloud CLI) 
$ rarukas --type sacloud usacloud --version

Terraform (with terraform-provider-sakuracloud)

$ cat

# set environment variable from .env file on current dir
source .env 

# run terraform command 
terraform init || terraform apply -auto-approve

$ rarukas --type sacloud --sync-dir . ./

Packer (with packer-builder-sakuracloud)

$ cat template.json

    "builders": [{
        "type": "sakuracloud",
        "zone": "is1b",
        "os_type": "centos",
        "password": "<put-your-password-here>",
        "disk_size": 20,
        "disk_plan": "ssd",
        "core" : 2,
        "memory_size": 4,
        "archive_name": "packer-example-centos",
        "archive_description": "description of archive"
        "type": "shell",
        "inline": [
            "echo foobar"

$ rarukas --type sacloud --sync-dir . packer build template.json

Using customized Docker image

To use custom images with Rarukas, you need to build docker image and publish it on DockerHub.

Using semi-cutomized image

If you want to add packages etc to the image, semi-cutomize is useful.

Create a Dockerfile based on the existing Rarukas image as follows:

# Choose base-image from existing Rarukas image. 
#   ref:
FROM rarukas/rarukas-server:alpine 

# Add necessary packages
RUN apk add --no-cache --update <packages> 

Using full-cutomized image

If you want to change the base image, you need full-customize.

You can use any Dockerfile, but be sure to include the following:

# Add rarukas-server binary
ADD /usr/local/bin/
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rarukas-server

# set entrypoint 
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/rarukas-server"]

# Create and set workdir
RUN mkdir /workdir
WORKDIR /workdir

# Expose SSH and HealthCheck port

Build and Push image

Next, build docker image and push it to DockerHub as follows:

# build docker image
docker build -t <account/reponame:tag> .

# push to DockerHub
docker push <account/reponame:tag> 

Run rarukas command with --image-name option

To use custom image you created, specify the --image-name option.

rarukas --image-name <account/reponame:tag> ...


rarukas Copyright (C) 2018 Kazumichi Yamamoto.

This project is published under Apache 2.0 License.
