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220 lines (139 loc) · 7.05 KB

Build Status PyPI version Python 2.7 Python 3.7 License


An IPython magic extension for printing date and time stamps, version numbers, and hardware information.




More examples can be found in this Jupyter notebook.

Installation and updating


The watermark line magic can be installed by executing

pip install watermark

Alternatively, you can install the latest development version directly from GitHub via

pip install -e git+


To remove an old watermark installation (installed via the deprecated %install_ext magic extension), simply delete it from the .ipython/extensions/ directory, which is typically located in a user's home directory.



After successful installation, the watermark magic extension can be loaded via:

%load_ext watermark

To get an overview of all available commands, type:


%watermark [-a AUTHOR] [-d] [-n] [-t] [-i] [-z] [-u] [-c CUSTOM_TIME]
               [-v] [-p PACKAGES] [-h] [-m] [-g] [-w]

IPython magic function to print date/time stamps
and various system information.

optional arguments:
-a AUTHOR, --author AUTHOR
                       prints author name
-d,  --date            prints current date as YYYY-mm-dd
-n,  --datename        prints date with abbrv. day and month names
-t,  --time            prints current time as HH-MM-SS
-i,  --iso8601         prints the combined date and time including the time
                       zone in the ISO 8601 standard with UTC offset
-z,  --timezone        appends the local time zone
-u,  --updated         appends a string "Last updated: "
-c CUSTOM_TIME, --custom_time CUSTOM_TIME
                       prints a valid strftime() string
-v,  --python          prints Python and IPython version
-p PACKAGES, --packages PACKAGES
                       prints versions of specified Python modules and
-h,  --hostname        prints the host name
-m,  --machine         prints system and machine info
-g,  --githash         prints current Git commit hash
-r,  --gitrepo         prints current Git remote address
-b,  --gitbranch       prints the current Git branch (new in v1.6)
-iv, --iversion        print name and version of all imported packages      
-w,  --watermark       prints the current version of watermark



v. 2.0.1 (October 04, 2019)

  • Fix 'sklearn' vs. 'scikit-learn' import compatibility.

v. 2.0.0 (October 04, 2019)

  • Now uses pkg_resources as the default method for getting version numbers.
  • Fixes a whitespace bug when printing the timezone.

v. 1.8.2 (July 28, 2019)

  • When no Python library was imported and the --iversion is used, print an empty string instead of raising an error.

v. 1.8.1 (January 26, 2019)

  • Fixes string alignment issues when the -iv/--iversion flag is used.

v. 1.8.0 (January 02, 2019)

  • The -iv/--iversion flag now also shows package versions that were imported as from X import Y and import X.Y as Y. For example,
import scipy as sp
from sklearn import metrics
import numpy.linalg as linalg
%watermark --iversions

will return

scipy     1.1.0
sklearn   0.20.1
numpy     1.15.4

v. 1.7.0 (October 13, 2018)

(Via contribution by James Myatt)

  • Shows "not installed" for version of packages/modules that cannot be imported.
  • Shows "unknown" for version of packages/modules when version attribute cannot be found.
  • Add Python 3.6 and 3.7 to Travis CI builds.
  • Add classifiers to setuptools configuration.

v. 1.6.1 (June 10, 2018)

  • Now also includes the LICENSE file in the Python Wheels distribution

v. 1.6.0 (Jan uary18, 2018)

  • Adds a new -b/--gitbranch parameter that prints the current Git branch.

v. 1.5.0 (August 27, 2017)

  • Adds a new -iv/ --iversions parameter that prints the package names and version numbers of all packages that were previously imported in the current Python session. (Via contribution by Aziz Alto)

v. 1.4.0 (April 18, 2017)

  • Adds a new -r/ --gitrepo parameter that returns the URL of Git remote name "origin". (Via contribution by Lucy Park)

v. 1.3.4 (October 15, 2016)

  • Allow fetching scikit-learn's version number via -p scikit-learn in addition of -p sklearn (the former is deprecated and will not be supported in watermark > 1.7).

v. 1.3.3 (September 1, 2016)

  • Includes LICENSE in for packaging

v. 1.3.2 (August 16, 2016)

  • Fixes an issue where the wrong package info was obtained when using the system level Jupyter within a virtualenv environment. (Via contribrution by Michael Bell)
  • Adds a new -i/ --iso8601 parameter that returns the current date-time string in ISO 8601 format with offset to UTC. For instance: 2016-08-16T18:03:42-04:00. Current caveat: Python < 3.2 requires external libraries for for computing the timezone offset, thus, Python < 3.2 will currently only print 2016-08-16T18:03:42
  • Adds offsets to UTC to the default date-time string for Python >= 3.2

v. 1.3.1 (June 6, 2016)

  • Fixes an issue that caused problems importing watermark using Python 2.x

v. 1.3.0 (May 21, 2016)

  • Removed the deprecated the %install_ext magic so that watermark can now be installed as a regular python package via pip (Via contribution by Peter Bull)

v. 1.2.3 (January 29, 2016)

  • Changed date format to the unambiguous ISO-8601 format
  • Ditched the deprecated %install_ext function and made watermark a proper Python package
  • Released the new version under a more permissive newBSD license

v. 1.2.2 (June 17, 2015)

  • Changed the default date-format of -d, --date to MM/DD/YYYY, the format DD/MM/YYYY can be used via the shortcut -e, --eurodate.

v. 1.2.1 (March 3, 2015)

  • Small bugfix to allow custom time string formatting.

v. 1.2.0 (October 1, 2014)

  • --watermark command added to print the current version of watermark.
  • Print author name on a separate line
  • Fixed bug that day takes the same value as the minute if the -n flag is used.