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A secondhand watch shop online market. user can buy secondhand watch and seller can sell their used watches

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Watch.Reseller (Client)

A secondhand watch shop online market

Assignment 12

admin user

password: 123456

seller user

password: 123456

buyer user

password: 123456

Application Features

  • Multiple roles base. such as Buyer. Seller, Admin.
  • For internation payment system. I use stripe. so buyer can pay with credit card.
  • Implement user-friendly all form validator (custom my own).
  • buyer can log in via google or email & password. they can recover password if forgot.
  • buyer can order, add wishlist, and see their past all transaction.
  • Other Side a seller can add/update, delete product. they can manage their product.
  • And admin can do anything like she can delete any seller and buyer.
  • For security, I use route middle that check user role everytime when they move different route. if they are not permitted then simply them push home or login route

- And also render dashboard sidebar link based on role. - Also user can quickly find product by search

Work Outline

  • In top has a responsible Navigation that has some page link. And condition rendering if user logged then render auth image and a dropdown that has dashboard, logout

  • Create routing, I use react-router-dom. and create private route with role based like BUYER, SELLER, ADMIN

  • We have two authentication system email/password based and google account based.

  • Homepage has some product category, and click to jump category products page there has all product that include this category.

  • Homepage also have advertises product section that seller mark for advertise. if no one seller mark any product as advertise then this section will be hidden.

  • In Dashboard page show auth user profile information, and sidebar show all auth route it dependent user role.

  • a public blogs pages has some interview question

Technology used.

  • Reactjs
  • react-router-dom
  • @tanstack/react-query
  • Tailwindcss
  • Firebase
  • stripe
  • react-hot-toast
  • react-helmet
  • react-spinners
  • react-icons
  • swiper
  • date-fns
  • axios

Preview of HomePage

Preview of Add Product

Preview of Admin dashboard all buyers