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Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

This lesson has been designed as an introduction to the Raspberry Pi. It could be taught as a standalone lesson, as a workshop, or as part of a wider scheme of work to introduce students to Raspberry Pi and explain its main features and setup.

Students will learn:

In this lesson, students will learn

  • What a Raspberry Pi is
  • Its main features
  • How to set up and use one

Computing programme of study met:


  • Recognise that a range of digital devices can be considered to be a computer. Recognise and can use a range of input and output devices.


  • Understand the hardware and software components that make up computer systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems.
  • Recognise and understand the function of the main internal parts of basic computer architecture.

National Curriculum Computing Programmes of Study


For the majority of the lesson, it is suggested that work is carried out by students on a Raspberry Pi in pairs. Each pair should have access to the standard equipment described below. In addition, it is suggested that you have your own teacher setup connected to a projector screen for demonstration purposes.

  • A Raspberry Pi per pair
  • A NOOBS SD card per Raspberry Pi (with an up-to-date Raspbian installed)
  • A keyboard and mouse connected to each Raspberry Pi
  • A monitor connected to each Raspberry Pi
  • A micro USB power adaptor
  • All necessary cables

See to download NOOBS/Raspbian and see the NOOBS setup guide for help with installation.



Unless otherwise specified, everything in this repository is covered by the following licence:

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence

Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Lesson by the Raspberry Pi Foundation is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.

Based on a work at


A lesson plan designed to teach students how to get started with Raspberry Pi at any level







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