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Closed Jan 2, 2014 100% complete

This is the first release of Ratpack, since it evolved into the project it is today. It's been a long time coming, but finally there is an immutable release that is available from the standard repositories.

The next version, 0.9.1, will be released on the first of February 2014. The intention is that new versions will be released on the first of each mont…

This is the first release of Ratpack, since it evolved into the project it is today. It's been a long time coming, but finally there is an immutable release that is available from the standard repositories.

The next version, 0.9.1, will be released on the first of February 2014. The intention is that new versions will be released on the first of each month until the time that Ratpack goes 1.0. There is no scheduled date for the release of 1.0. There will be as many 0.9.x releases as the team feel necessary before locking down the API for compatibility.

The Ratpack binaries are currently available in Bintray's JCenter Maven repository (repo link). The artifacts will be sync'd to Maven Central over the next few hours.

Thanks to everyone who has supported Ratpack during its early incubation, and a special thanks to all who have made code contributions. We look forward to your continued support.


Team Ratpack

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