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RavenDB JVM Client Tutorial

RavenDB is a lightning fast #NoSQL document database. It's fully ACID, high-availability, multi-platform, and open-source. It supports clients in a variety of programming languages including Java.

This tutorial is a quick introduction to RavenDB and the JVM Client API. As you'll see, RavenDB is very easy to deploy and administer. We will be looking at a simple demo hospital management app as an example.

The demo app was built using the Vaadin Flow framework, which allows you to develop web apps using only Java.


How to Install RavenDB Community Edition

  1. Register a free community license
  2. Download and unzip the RavenDB version 4.x server package (the latest stable version)
  3. From command line, run the .\run.ps1 script found in the package root (or .\setup-as-service.ps1 to launch as a service)
  4. Once installed, the Setup Wizard will launch on a browser and prompt you to choose a security mode. "Unsecured" mode is appropriate for local development and for the purposes of this tutorial.

Setup security

  1. Leave the other options on default. At the end of the Setup Wizard, you'll be prompted to restart the server. Once you do, the RavenDB Management Studio will launch on localhost:8080. (The Studio is always available at the designated http port while a Server instance is running. You can also access the Studio from the Server's command line interface with command openbrowser)

  2. Once in the Studio, open the About tab to register your license:

Register License

More detailed installation and setup instructions can be found in RavenDB's online documentation.

How to run the demo

  1. Fetch the code sources for this project with:
$ git clone
  1. From the Studio, click on the Database tab and create a new database with the name "Hospital".
  2. Populate this database by going to Settings > Import Data and importing the file Hospital.ravendbdump found in the project root:

Import Data

  1. For quick and easy testing, we recommend launching the app on a jetty server. The maven jetty plugin is already included in pom.xml. In your IDE, create a new maven run configuration and set jetty:run as the goal.

When run, the web app will be available at http://localhost:8889/: App Homepage

Demo Folder Structure

This app implements the Model-View-Presenter pattern. The model folder contains the type definitions of the entities that we will be storing on the server, plus some miscellaneous types. The view folder contains the Vaadin components and layouts. The presenter folder contains the presenters which are responsible for communication with the RavenDB server.

Entities as Documents

As a NoSQL (or non-relational) database, RavenDB doesn’t represent entities as rows in a table with a rigid schema. Instead, it represents them as "documents" with no constraints on their structure. Similar documents are grouped in collections. Each document contains data, a unique id, and metadata in JSON format.

The model for this demo consists of 3 main entities: Patients, Doctors, Conditions. There are also Visits, appointments between one doctor and one patient. Visits are embedded as an array within the corresponding patient entity. These three entity types are represented by three collections of documents on the Server.

UML Diagram

Below are the type definitions of these entities on the Client side (getters and setters are omitted for brevity), accompanied by examples of specific documents in JSON.

Click to expand POJOs and documents 1. The Patient entity:
public class Patient {
    private String id;
    private String firstName,lastName;
    private Date birthDate;
    private Gender gender;

    private String email;
    private Address address;
    private List<Visit> visits;

A JSON document of an example Patient containing an array of Visits:

    "firstName": "Megi",
    "lastName": "Devasko",
    "birthDate": "2016-11-30T22:00:00.0000000Z",
    "gender": "FEMALE",
    "email": "",
    "address": null,
    "visits": [
            "date": "2019-02-26T22:00:00.0000000Z",
            "doctorId": "doctors/1-A",
            "type": "HOUSE",
            "visitSummary": "just a minor pain",
            "conditionId": "conditions/1-A",
            "doctorName": "Dr. Megan Austin"
            "date": "2019-01-31T22:00:00.0000000Z",
            "doctorId": "doctors/2-A",
            "type": "EMERGENCY ROOM",
            "visitSummary": "nothing to worry about",
            "conditionId": "conditions/2-A",
            "doctorName": "Dr. Megalo Karimov"
    "@metadata": {
        "@collection": "Patients",
        "@flags": "HasAttachments",
        "@id": "patients/33-A",
        "Raven-Java-Type": "net.ravendb.demo.model.Patient"
  1. Visit entity:
public class Visit {
    private Date date;
    private String doctorId;
    private Type type;
    private String visitSummary;
    private String conditionId;
    private String doctorName;

On the server side this entity is represented as an array within a Patient document - see example Patient above.

  1. Condition entity:
public class Condition {
    private String id;
    private String name;
    private String symptoms;
    private String recommendedTreatment;

Example Condition:

    "name": "Diabetes",
    "symptoms": "swollen legs, impaired eyesight",
    "recommendedTreatment": "sugar-free diet",
    "@metadata": {
        "@collection": "Conditions",
        "@id": "conditions/6-A",
        "Raven-Java-Type": "net.ravendb.demo.model.Condition"
  1. Doctor entity:
public class Doctor {
    private String id;
    private String name;
    private String department;
    private int age;

Example Doctor:

    "name": "Sergiz Ovesian",
    "department": "LV",
    "age": 45,
    "@metadata": {
        "@collection": "Doctors",
        "@id": "doctors/1-A",
        "Raven-Java-Type": "net.ravendb.demo.model.Doctor"

Rather than picking ids for our documents, we will leave them null. RavenDB automatically generates unique and human readable ids in the format: [collection document belongs to]/[HiLo number tag]-[RavenDB cluster node tag]. The HiLo Algorithm provides the unique portion of the id. We will be using one Server - effectively a one-node cluster - and by default its tag is "A", so patient documents have the ids patients/1-A, patients/2-A and so on.

Document Store

The Java Client is included as a dependency in pom.xml.


The primary object of the Client API is the Document Store, which manages the application's connection with the Server and holds various configuration options. One of these options is whether to use optimistic concurrency control, which we'll want to enable for this app. It is recommended that you create just one Document Store instance per application by using the singleton pattern as demonstrated below:

public final class RavenDBDocumentStore {
    private static IDocumentStore store;

    static {

        //Create new Document Store with the url of the RavenDB Server
        //and with `Hospital` set as the default database
        store = new DocumentStore(new String[]{""},

        //Edit the conventions to enable optimistic concurrency
        DocumentConventions conventions = store.getConventions();


    //Return the single Document Store instance 
    public static IDocumentStore getStore() {
        return store;


Session and Unit of Work Pattern

Any operation we want to perform starts by obtaining a new Session object from the Document Store. The Session implements the Unit of Work pattern. This has several implications:

  • The Session batches requests to the server to minimize the number of round trips over the network.
  • The Session tracks changes for all the entities that it has either loaded from or stored to the database, and commits them as an ACID transaction when [session].saveChanges() is called.
  • A single document always resolves to the same instance - i.e. if we try to load a document twice, the second call will load the entity from a local cache rather than going over the network.

In this demo, sessions are created and released in response to the attach and detach events in the lifecycle of each of our views (which inherit from Vaadin's VerticalLayout). We create a session when we navigate to a page in our web app (not including the root URL, or menu page), and release it when that page is closed. Vaadin maintains page state persistence, a feature which will help us to minimize calls to the Server.

In the view:

protected void onAttach(AttachEvent attachEvent) {

protected void onDetach(DetachEvent detachEvent) {

In the presenter:

public void openSession() {
    if (session == null) {
        session = RavenDBDocumentStore.getStore().openSession();

public void releaseSession() {

CRUD operations

Now we can look at how the demo app implements the basic CRUD functions for our patient data. These functions are located in the PatientPresenter, an instance of which is held by the PatientView.

The create operation:

public void create(Patient patient, ProfilePicture profilePicture) {;
    //Attachment handling
    if (profilePicture != null) {
        session.advanced().attachments().store(patient, ATTACHMENT_NAME,


Creates a new Patient document and uploading it to the Server. Generally documents only need and session.saveChanges() to be stored. In this case the patient has a profile picture which doesn't fit in JSON format, so it needs to be handled separately as an attachment. Attachments are discussed further below.

The update operation:

public void update(Patient patient, ProfilePicture profilePicture) throws ConcurrencyException {;

    if (profilePicture != null) {
        session.advanced().attachments().store(patient.getId(), ATTACHMENT_NAME,

Receives a patient and profile picture which have already been modified and stores them, in almost the same way as create().

The delete operation:

public void delete(Patient patient) {

Deletes a given patient. delete() can take either an object instance, as shown here, or a document id.

To read documents, we simply load them from the Server using


Paging Through Large Record Sets

Paging through large amounts of data is one of the most common operations in RavenDB.
Let's say we need to display results in batches on a lazy loading grid. In this app, the grid is configured to obtain the total amount of results to a query (to calculate the total number of pages) and then to lazily load the results in batches of 10 as the user navigates from page to page. We can use statistics() to access useful data about the query, including the total number of results. For the patients grid, the corresponding attachments are also obtained and streamed into a byte array.

Patient Paging

getPatientsList(), with error handling omitted for brevity:

public Pair<Collection<PatientWithPicture>, Integer> getPatientsList(int offset, int limit, boolean order) {
    Reference<QueryStatistics> statsRef = new Reference<>();
    IDocumentQuery<Patient> query = session.query(Patient.class)

    if (order) {

    Collection<Patient> list = query.toList();
    int totalResults = statsRef.value.getTotalResults();

    Collection<PatientWithPicture> patientWithPictures = new ArrayList<>();

BLOB Handling - Attachments

Binary data that cannot be stored as JSON (such as images, audio, etc.) can be associated with a document as one or more attachments. An example are the profile pictures of Patients. This POJO represents attachments on the client side:

public class Attachment {

    String name;
    byte[] bytes;

    public InputStream getInputStream() {
        return new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);

    public StreamResource getStreamResource() {
        ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
        return new StreamResource(name, () -> bis);

(Getters and setters are omitted for brevity)

Attachments can be loaded and edited separately from the document, which saves sending the entire attachment over the network every time a document is accessed. Like documents, attachments are tracked by the Session and will be included in the same ACID transaction as any other changes tracked by the same Session.

This method retrieves the profilePicture for a given patient document:

public ProfilePicture getProfilePicture(Patient patient) {
    ProfilePicture profilePicture = new ProfilePicture();

    try (CloseableAttachmentResult result = session.advanced()
            .get(patient.getId(), ATTACHMENT_NAME)) {

        if (result == null)
            return null;
        InputStream data = result.getData();
        byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(data);
        return profilePicture;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);

    return null;


In RavenDB, a query can only be satisfied by an index. You can create your own indexes, but if no appropriate index exists, RavenDB will automatically create one on the fly. Indexes learn from each new query, and are continuously optimized to satisfy all previous queries made to a given collection. In this way RavenDB is built to optimize the speed of reads with minimal administration. (By default, indexes are updated asynchronously so that they don't impact write speed. In most use cases this improves performance, but you can always have write operations wait for the index to update before returning using session.advanced().waitForIndexesAfterSaveChanges();.)

Queries are created by chaining methods on session.query(), and executed by calling .toList(). Before being sent to the server, every query is translated to RQL (RavenDB Query Language) - our SQL-like language. RQL was designed to expose RavenDB's query pipeline to the user. You can write your queries in RQL using session.advanced().rawQuery([RQL string]). Any query can be converted to RQL by calling .toString(). Here are some example queries constructed in Java, accompanied by the equivalent RQL:

1. Retrieve all documents from a collection

IDocumentQuery<Doctor> query = session.query(Doctor.class);

This is the simplest possible query, with no filtering, paging, or projection. The parameter Doctor.class indicates the type of the entities retrieved, and also that the collection being queried is Doctors.

Equivalent RQL:

from Doctors

2. Paging and query statistics

We have a grid that displays 10 patients per page. To display the third page, we tell our query to .skip() the first 20 documents and .take() the next 10.

Reference<QueryStatistics> myQueryStats = new Reference<>();
IDocumentQuery<Patient> query = session.query(Patient.class)

Collection<Patient> myPatients = query.toList();
int totalResults = myQueryStats.value.getTotalResults();

We also want to know how many pages there are in total so we can render the page selection buttons. Some useful data, called the query statistics, are automatically sent to the client along with the response to each query. To save them we call .statistics(myQueryStats) and then we can access the total number of results with myQueryStats.value.getTotalResults().

Equivalent RQL:

from Patients
limit 10 offset 20

limit corresponds to .take() and offset corresponds to .skip(). There is no command in RQL regarding query statistics, since they are always sent regardless.

3.Filtering and including related documents

RavenDB does not use joins, like SQL databases do. Instead, if one document contains the id of another document, that other document can be retrieved by the same query .
This query filters the Patients collection to retrieve only patients with the full name "John Doe", and includes the doctor documents whose ids are listed in that patient's visits.

Collection<Patient> myPatients = session.query(Patient.class)
                                        .whereEquals("firstName", "John")
                                        .whereEquals("lastName", "Doe")

// Assume that John Doe has an appointment with `doctors/1-A`.
// `doctors/1-A` can now be loaded from a local cache rather 
// than by making an additional round trip to the server.
Doctor myDoctor = session.load("doctors/1-A");

Equivalent RQL:

from Patients
where firstName = 'John' and lastName = 'Doe'
include 'visits[].doctorId'

Although the above raw query works as it is written, if you were to take the method chain form of the query and call toString(), the result will be:

from Patients
where firstName = $p0 and lastName = $p1
include 'visits[].doctorId'

Where $p0 and $p1 represent parameters which are sent to the server along with the query, but not in the body of the RQL.

4. Aggregating and projecting

List<DoctorVisit> results = session.query(Patient.class)
                                   .selectKey("visits[].doctorId", "doctorId")
                                   .whereNotEquals("doctorId", null)

In this query from the demo, we want to rank doctors by the number of visits they have scheduled with patients.
groupBy("visits[].doctorId") performs a map-reduce operation on the Patients collection, grouping by the doctorIds listed in the visits array.

However, since we don't want any of the other data in the patient documents, it would be a waste to send it over the network. With .selectKey("visits[].doctorId", "doctorId") we retrieve only the doctorIds and with .selectCount(), we retrieve the number of visits per doctor.

ofType(DoctorVisit.class) takes our results and casts them to the type DoctorVisit.

Equivalent RQL:

from Patients
group by visits[].doctorId
where doctorId != null
order by count desc
select visits[].doctorId as doctorId, count() as count
include 'visits[].doctorId'


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