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Get Ansible running

####Fetch source: git clone

####Setup env: source ansible/hacking/env-setup


####Run plays that apply to the monitoring node ansible-playbook main.yml --tags=monitoring

####Run play to add a new group and its users ansible-playbook main.yml -i inventory/hosts --tags="add_group,add_users,add_ssh_keys,sudoers" --extra-vars="host=all" -vvv

####Add project specific users ansible-playbook main.yml -i inventory/hosts --tags="add_project_users,install_project_ssh_keys" --extra-vars=""

####Run playbook: (if the playbook uses the okfn user)
ansible-playbook --connection=ssh --extra-vars="" tasks/ckan-dbserver-setup.yml -i inventory/hosts -vv

####Run plays using thier tags from the playbook: ansible-playbook --connection=ssh --extra-vars="" tasks/ckan-dbserver-setup.yml -i inventory/hosts -vv --tags="jetty_config,fetch_solr_config"

####Run commands across all hosts: ansible all -m command -a uptime -u okfn --connection=ssh

####Run commands on the ckan group of servers: ansible ckan -m command -a uptime -u okfn --connection=ssh

####Install updates ansible-playbook --extra-vars=" fact_path='/etc/ansible/facts.d'" updates.yml -vvv

Ansible playbook directory structure


This file is the top level ansible file, which should include config for hosts from all projects, Ansible will be invoked with main.yml in cron to ensure the config across all hosts is consistent according to the playbooks.

####roles/ All applications are managed using its respective role

####inventory/ This folder holds the 'hosts' file, which sorts hosts into groups/projects based on datacenter/project etc The inventory/{host_vars,group_vars} folder contains files which have host specific variables defined.

####tasks/ contains plays that might be run just once, e.g bootstrap a server, inject keys or such.

####vars/ contains variables that are global across all plays (users)

####files/ contains all of the application/${project} specific config files, which are included when deploying applications

####handlers/ (only used by tasks) contains restart/reload, mainly service related plays

####templates/ (only used by tasks) contains jinja2 templates for config files that need to be generated on a per host basis, e.g a vhost for

OKF Ansible host specific magic vars

###These vars should be defined under inventory/host_vars/$host or the inventory/hosts file.

####disable_nagios_checks Define this var, and run the check_mk role to disable ALL nagios checks for the host, the host will essentially be removed from nagios. Accepted args are True/False e.g disable_nagios_checks=True

####local_checks local_checks expects an array of check scripts which are check_mk specific and need to be enabled on the host. setting this var, adds the script into the check_mk agent local checks folder, which check_mk will periodically run scripts from. e.g local_checks: ['exim_mailqueue']

####disabled_checks disabled_checks accepts an array of elements which the names of local passive checks that should be disabled for a host. Once added to the host var file, the check_mk-server role should be invoked to apply changes to the nagios server. e.g disabled_checks: ['apt-security-check']

see check_mk local checks

####backup_postgres This was added to identify hosts that need postgres to be backed up, and a cronjob was added to each host that defines it. Accepted args are True/False e.g backup_postgres=true

####sites_to_monitor This var expects an array with elements '<>::<http_status>', It is used by the check_mk play to add http nagios checks. e.g

sites_to_monitor: ['','']

http_status is the expected normal http status return code.

####sites_enabled This var expects an array of domain names, which have been added into the nginx/apache (sites-available folder) and need to be enabled. e.g

sites_enabled: ['']

####rsnapshot_backup This var is fed is used by the rsnapshot role to build the rsnaphot config running on the backup host. It expects one or more array elements which contain key, value pairs (src, dest, exclude)

Each array element should define 'src' , 'dest' values, 'exclude' is optional.


      - { src: 'root@somehost:/home/okfn/', dest: 'somehost/' }
      - { src: 'root@somehost:/var/lib/munin/', dest: 'somehost/' }

####rsnapshot_backup_scripts This var is similar to rsnapshot_backup, except it defines the scripts rsnapshot needs to run for the backup process of a host. All keys must be defined (src, script, dest)


            - { src: '/usr/bin/ssh', script: '"/usr/bin/sudo -u postgres /usr/bin/pg_dumpall | gzip > /var/backups/pgdump.sql.gz"', dest: 'empty/1' }

####ban_abusive_ips This var expects an array of ips that should be blocked on the server, its used by the iptables-persistent role.

e.g ban_abusive_ips: ['', '']

####custom_iptables_rules This var expects an array of rules that should be directly applied to the server, was added to allow adding custom rules without having to create rule files for each host.

####graphite_collectors This variable expects an array of graphite collector script names, this allows us to include just the right collector scripts, and add its cronjob on each host/group.

e.g graphite_collectors: ['', '']

####timezone This variable allows us to define the timezone for each host/group, which is then setup by the ntpd role. The defined timezone should be a tz file defined under /usr/share/zoneinfo/

examples timezone: GB timezone: 'Etc/UTC'


okf server config






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